Penis, Communism, Penis, Emo, Penis, Democrats, oh, and did I mention penis? Because I like that too.....
The prophet mohammad, Jane Fonda, Michael Moore, Chris Carabba (so I can study the only person that is douchier than me), Bill Clinton (I will be your intern billy lol), Zach De La Rocha, Tom Cruise and all scientologists (I love being surrounded by idiots that are in a bullshit money making religion just because Tom Cruise is) Che Guevara (people who murder thousands in the name of communism turn me on OMFG) anyone with at least 10 inches of man meat, and all other bleeding heart pussy jackasses, and muslims who like to send myspace death threats (so I can laugh at how pathetic that really is).
Emo, Greatful dead, Rage Against the machine, Scremo, Trance, and OF COURSE Pansy Division!!!!!!!!!!
The guy who invented Anal Sex