My artwork, ink on fine art paper portraits. These pieces are all made up of individual dots which are drawn by hand and when overlapped give the appearance of light and dark, eventually building up to create an image. No actual lines are used (There are exceptions to this rule) The Originals are usually only approximately 12-14cm's in size and can take days or weeks to finish. When a piece is completed it is then scanned into a computer and sometimes colour is added. After the scanning and colour editing is completed the piece is then printed onto high quality canvas - 100cm x 100cm, mounted and sold as part of a Limited Edition collection. Limited Edition collections number no more than 25. In some cases less - see slideshow & my 'pics' for examples. Other interests include, Art. Writing. Current Affairs. Literature. Film. Contemporary Clothing & Design. Modern/Contemporary Furniture. Photography.
The Torch Song Trilogy. Crash. Blade Runner. The Sea Inside. Last exit to Brooklyn. Closer. Dog Towm & Z-Boys. The Color Purple. Kill Bill. The Notebook. A life less ordinary. Cat on a hot tin roof. Shakespeare in love. Nikita. Batman Returns (above). Star Wars. The Shawshank Redemption. Happiness. Crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Betty Blue. The Fifth Element. Barbarella. King Kong (old and new). Aliens. Legend. Strange Days. Baz Luhrumann's Romeo and Juliet. Almost Famous. Dangerous Liasons. Elizabeth. Bent. La Reine Margot. Cold Mountain. American Beauty. 9 1/2 weeks. Tie me up, Tie me down. Thelma and Louise. The Rose. Wilbur(wants to kill himself). Lock, stock and two smoking barrels. Sin City. The Bridges of Madison County. Elvira Mistress of the dark. Personal Services. The Pianist. The Matrix. The Breakfast Club. The Green Mile. Dead Man Walking. The Big Blue. The Unbelievable Truth. Delicatessen. 300...
'Tales of the City', 'Sex and the City', 'Batman' MTV's 'Real World San-Francisco. 1994', 'My name is Earl'. 'Malcolm in the middle', 'Ugly Betty'.
"I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts. I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me. And my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect, I’ve succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and for me that has always been enough." - The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks