Daniel Carcur Arredondo (Ital): musician of chilean origin, sound engineer, producer of Psytrance music anddj, has been in contact for more than 17 years in the musical world, starting his carrier like a guitarplayer, going through several styles of popular music, until he arrived to his true passion: Psychedelictrance music.He started the year 2001 with his friend Andrés Rodillo with whom he got involved into the production ofPsytrance electronic music, forming one of the pioneering projects of the local scene: “Metatronâ€. In thebeginning, experimenting with samplers, synthetizers and audio softwares allowed them to introducethemselves in the national electronic world, playing live and with great success in different places of thecountry.Three years later, in 2004, he decided to create his own project, “ITAL†, that in Patois african dialectit means PURITY, and which he uses to promote himself in different scenes of Chile and South America.
Because of this, each production of ITAL has like fundamental concept the expansion of all the purity thatsurrounds us, canalizing through music all this divine and universal energy that surrounds us to be givenand to be projected like sound waves towards our surrounding universe.His style is characterized for being a Full on groove serious with a very own character and style, full ofatmospheres, futuristics & metallic sounds and much sicodelia. With 8 years of musical experience and experimentation,Ital has been presented in the most important events of his country (Chile) and also in some of the greatrecognized Festivals world-wide like Universo Paralello 5,7 & 8, Tranceformation 2004, Fora do tempo, Earthdance 4,5,6,7,8,9, Montemapu and Amazontribe.He works for the english label Free Spirit Records, created by Jay Om, which today is one of the most recognized psytrance label from England, which is composed by great artists like Journey, M-theory, Star Trip, M-Klome, among others.He has shared scene with big name projects from the national and international trance present scene fromall the continents, among them:Zen mechanics, Headroom, 28, Flip Flop, Burn in noise, Tristan, The First Stone, Altom, S-Range, Dickster, E-jekt, Tikal, Wrecked machines, Penta, Rinkadink, M-theory, Protoculture, Ace Ventura, Liquid soul, Perfect Stranger, among others….
He has already realesed music in several compilations under Enzyme, Morphonic, Moonsun, Freeze magazine,Yellow sunshine explotion labels. Soon you will enjoythe full ITAL album that shows all the maturity and energy of this outstanding national musician will beenjoyed.Since september 2007 he begin the first psytrance Chilean label denominate: “ Antu Records â€
Which name comes from the indigean Chilean language that means SUN.
Our propuse and intention is to expand the light and divine energy all over the world thoght the Psytrancemusic, to conect our selfs with our roots and feel our hearts full of spiritual healing.After his Brazil tours in 2007, Ital began his new musical productiondestinate to produce his first full album, which is expected for june 2008 under the Chilean record labelAntu Records. The distribution will be by Beatspace & Arabesque Uk. Also he realese an digital EP "Ital - activation energies" on march 2008 by Planet Ben Records Germany.Get high our vibration throght the dance and music!!!Ital website: www.italvibes.org
Myspace : www.myspace.com/itallive
Antu records: www.anturecords.com
::::::::::::::: contact ::::::::::::::::: msn and mail [email protected] edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4(www.strikefile.com/myspace)ITAL live act -Universo Paralello 2004-05
Add to My Profile | More VideosItal Live act -Universo paralello 2006-2007 pratigi-BA
Add to My Profile | More VideosItal Live act - Monte mapu Festival 2008, nº1