Bellamy Edwards profile picture

Bellamy Edwards

Banging away on liberty bells, piercing the air like a boring old Sunday.

About Me

I am feeble, everything else is solid and dense like black holes in space the size of golf balls, even the air thick and heavy and crushing my spirit and body like invisible mud. Sparrows as marble ballbearings from tractors hurtle around like big atoms, if I drop crumbs at my feet they may well break my legs or leave an egg splatter face behind in creamy turbulance.

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My Interests

The best thing that anybody ever done for ages was when KLF burnt a million quid.

I'd like to meet:

People floating upon a temporal multiplicity spanning out through psychic life.... width="425" height="350" ............................................................ ............................................................ ......... ...............


Top of the Pops.


I like 'chitty chitty bang bang' and that.


I'm posh, so I only watch nature documentaries on a small black and white tv that I keep in the spare room.


Encyclopedia britannica... fascinating!


Maggie Smith and that.