Ebony Steelband Trust has been performing at prestigious venues for over a decade. Most recently the band has performed on the Fifa World cup stage in Germany, Buckingham Palace at least once per year and will be playing in Deli at the launching of the Cricket World Cup. Touring more than 4 times a year and doing on average 4 gigs per week, the band also does regular gigs for corporate events, weddings, funerals birthday partys etc.
Ebony Steelband are European champions and have won the UK panorama competition 18 times 9 times consecutively. Additionally in 2005 they are the first voluntary organisation and the first Black organisation to receive the Queens Award.
They are considered unsung heroes because of their 39 years of services for disabled people, young people and offering services for a disadvantage community.
Despite this, like many bands, since January 2005 they have had to relocate 4 times (as a result of noise nuisance) since Westway Development Trust made them vacate their large panyard on Acklam Road W10 resident since 1976.
Cool Stuff at BlingJam.com
The Ebony Steelband Trust Millennium Volunteers (MV) aged 16-24 have been playing steelpan for just over a year. Ebony MVs since there courageous performance at their own Christmas Awards celebration they have had their first performance offer in January at the Year of the Volunteer 2005 Celebration at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
Performing just three songs they were able to create a domino effect by being requested to perform at the Greater London Volunteering celebration at the City Hall. Somebody from City Hall then requested the MVs to perform at the Childrens Classic Concert at the Barbican Hall.
These beginner musicians, yet so amazing to watch and hear continue to do performances most recently at the Flora London Marathon and at the Smile Day concert in Trafalgar Square to raise money for children with HIV and were complimented for their performance by presenter Richard Blackwood, DJ Tim Westwood and singer Lisa Mafia!
They also performed at the West End Live Show performing alongside the Lion King, Stomp, Mamma Mia etc. The MV drummer is just 10 years old, too young to be an MV and is exceptionally talented never failing to fascinate the audience.
A typical MV will attend steelpan classes twice per week, take part in traditional voluntary activities such as gardening, painting and political volunteering; the latter earned MVs a reference from the House of Parliament.
Additionally fun activities occur, for example panitballing, bowling, cinema etc, to give young people the opportunity to build on their social skills. And of course the Notting Hill Carnival plays a huge part in the programme with various activities to be a part of!
After 100 hours of volunteering, MVs will be presented with an Award signed by the Minister for Skills and Vocational Education. However the ultimate aim is to reach the 200 hours target, when MVs will receive an Award of Excellence signed by the Secretary of State. Over 40,000 MVs have received an Award of Excellence so far!
Aged 16-24? Nows your chance to learn to play the steel-pans free of charge, be a part of the Notting Hill Carnival and become a Millennium Volunteer.
Make new friends, have fun and help others gain a nationally recognised MV award whilst becoming a MV at Ebony Steelband.
Everyones welcome from all backgrounds.
Call Ms. Gray at Ebony Steelband office; 0207-792-1418.
[email protected]
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