Crioulo profile picture


O meu coracao fica sempre la na minha terra querido

About Me

I am of Cape Verdean decent (For those who don't know what that means, Cape Verde is an island nation located off the west coast of Africa) and i am here to share my knowledge of my families homeland with anyone who is interested. We may be a small nation and population but we are big on our culture, pride and spirit and I want the world to know about us.

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My Interests

Music, World Cultures,

I'd like to meet:

People with knowledge of self and of their distinctive cultures with a profound view of how to overcome the downpressors of humanity.


Reggae, R&B, True HIP-HOP, WORLD, Trip-Hop, Jazz, etc.


Malcolm X, Do the Right Thing, Color Purple, Love Jones and documentaries


History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic,


The Fortunate Isles by Basil Davidson (a real account of the history of Cabo Verde)ANY Cornel West book


My parents.........Nat Turner, Bob Marley, Malcolm X, and any brotha or sistah who has ever stood up to any downpressor.