Art, Design, Photography, Cinema, Nature, Swimming, Biking, Yoga, Dancing, Mediation, Music, meeting Friends, making Friends, Summer, the Singing of Birds in the Morning or Dawn...
+ + + networking people, musicians and artists from all over the world... + + +
Alternative, Worldmusic, Lounge, Folk, Pop, Rock etc... and I love playing the accordeon! Neil Young, Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Gotan Project, Norah Jones, Anoushka Shankar, Café del Mar, Paolo Conte, BAP, Thomas D., Soundtrack from "The Mood of Love", Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Poems for Laila, Indian Music, Deva Premal, Kirtan and Mantra Singing... etc
A touch of spice, 2046, In the Mood for Love, Ayurveda, Matrix...