h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT profile picture


U cAn StAnD UnDeR mY UmbReLLa......YeA YeA

About Me

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what Can I sAy 1s PeopLe KNow Me As a "CuTe" And ChuBBy GuY That HavE diFfeReNt ChaRacTeriStic(IsN't It So?) SomeTimeS I caN Be ToO Serious,FoR THoSe WhO KNoW me WeLL thEY wiLL rEaLiZe that I Luv To Make People Laugh and Laugh wiTH My JoKes yeah sometimes I wILL be Like a FuNny PersoN tO eVery One Around Me,SomeTimeS AlSO I wiLL Be LoViNg, CarinG aNd SiNceRe tO SOmeOne!,1 bElIeVe That we ShOulD HaVe A stRoNg SelF esTeeM to OverComE aLL pRObLeM ThaT wE Face That's whY I Used to "ThiNKiNG CriTicAllY" iN WhATeVer I dO w1tHiN MYseLf in OrDer to Get A better And PEAceful LifE,SoMeTiMes 1 fEeL a BiT CoNFusInG wItH MY SelF ( DoN'T KnOw WhiCH WaY to Go!).........
AnYWaY 1'aM a h4pPy Go LuCkY p3rs0n, down to earth and I'm just a ordinary guy who just enjoy the simple things in life, who has self sufficient, independently thinking, I'am open minded who can talk in any topics of discussion, I Love music so much for Me "Music Is My Life" life would be so bored without any of Music (isn't it so?), Sometimes I'am really nut!?!? don't care what other peoples think of me because as a human being 1 always made mistake and I should learn from my own mistake and most probably 1 l1ke5 t0 m4k3 fReNz w1tH oth3r5(especially for those who want to know me more and someone who can appreciate frenship so much!)... simple easy going guy looking for friends around the world! I like to think positive in my life BeCaUSe Life must be enjoyed and happy. FoR Me: ThErE IS NO ONe CAn ChangE me Accept Me And My Self.So-1 am what 1 am! .......HehEhEheHehe......Wh4t 3l5e can 1 be,Th4n? iT Is Me Yeah! :)

My Interests

:CaLvIn KleiN:
:ArmAni ManiA:
:GucCi EnvY:
:HuGo BosS:
:PoLo SpoRt:
:IsseY MiyaKe:
:EcHo ParK:
:Phat Farm:
:SeAn JohN:
:SonY DiscMan:
OtherS...5urf1ng, TrAveLL1Ng, Hang IN ArOunD w1tH My FreNZ aNd My Fam1Ly, WiNdOw 5hOpP1nG bEfOrE I gEt My 5tufF, Chatt1ng, Pl4y1Ng BoWl1ng, TeNn1S, VoLLeYbALL, 5iNg1ng "n" DaNce, MaK1Ng NeW fReNzZ AnD l4sTly I 3njoY eaT1nG(why you're not suprised ah?) hik....hik One MorE ThinG-I Like To Talk BouT Others AnD I Dun Give DAMN WheN PeopLe Talk BoUt M.E..he he he

I'd like to meet:


*my LuVLy GraNdMaAa and GranDPaAa:p

*My BeLoveD aUNtiEs 'n' ParEntS :)

*My FrEnZ fRoM KiNDeRgArTeN TiLL sECoNdaRy ScHool..MIsS yA!

*My Ex Dip. ClaSsMaTe...MisSs Ya'll:)

*aLL my Ex DeGrEe..At CamPuS BefOrE-EsPeciaLLy "LatiNo Vanja" & "PukS And PonDs..U GuYs Are ReALly ReaLLy HapPeninG & HoT HuH!!!!

*And MoSt PrObaBLy-EvErY 0Ne tH4t 1 c4n Tru5t AnD wHO c4n AppREcIaTe FrEnShiP So MucH!, As LoNg TheY waNN4 MeeT Me ToOo.............................It MuSt Be Y.O.U!


vAriEtY oF Music That FeeL Good To My Ears As LoNg It Can ShaKe My BoooooOOOOOOTy...Hu Hu Hu


vaRiEtY of MoVie That FeeL GooD To waTch suCh As HorroR,RoManTic,ActIoN,Comedy,FicTiOn And Bla bLa Bla........


LateLy been BuSy With Work So I'Ve Dun HavE Enough Time to Spend With My T.V...


1'm NoT d4 k1nD oF bo0k W0rM bUt I dO re4d Bo0ks5s5!


My GrEaT "P.A.P.A"......InState "Me My Self And I".......FoR SuRe!!!

My Blog

Ingatkan engkau kepada....Embun pagi bersahaja....Yang menemanimu SEBELUM CAHAYA

Sebelum Cahaya  ........................................................... Ku teringat hatiYang bertabur mimpiKemana kau pergi cintaPerjalanan sunyiEngkau tempuh sendiriKuatkanlah hati cintaChor...
Posted by h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 03:22:00 PST

HuH,HaNyA KaU YanG MaMpU.....cerita tentang masa lalu,cerita tentang kau dan aku....

HaNyA KaU YaNg MaMpu .................................................... Ku cuba redakan relung hati,Bayangmu yang berlalu pergi,Terlukis di dalam kenangan,Bebas bermain di hatiku&. Cerita tentang ma...
Posted by h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 05:45:00 PST

cAuSe I'M DanGerousLy iN LOVE...WitH U....U Set Me Free

I love youBaby I love youYou are my lifeMy happiest moments weren't completeIf you weren't by my sideYou're my relationand connection to the sunWith you next to meThere's no darkness I can't overcomeY...
Posted by h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:33:00 PST

Come to me....I cAn Be...WhaT y0u NeEd.....

Come To Me [Nicole](Diddy) It's Bad Boy bitch Do it do it do it do it Do it do it do it do it (It feels good to be back, I missed ya) Relax your mind, let's the concepts be free And I roll with the so...
Posted by h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 03:17:00 PST

Last night.....I coUldn'T eVen GeT aN an5weR.....

Last Night [Diddy:]Last night,I couldn't even get an answer.Tried to call,but my pride wouldn't let me dial.And I'm sitting here,with this blank expression.And the way I feel,I wanna curl up like a c...
Posted by h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 03:05:00 PST

jUsT a....BeAuTiFuL LiAr...

Beautiful Liar (Aye)(Aye)Nobody likes being played (Oh)Beyonce' Beyonce'(Oh)Shakira Shakira (hey) Verse 1 He said, I'm worth itHis one desireI know things about him that you wouldn't want to read ab...
Posted by h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:52:00 PST

LisTen......I'am ALonE At The CrosSrOad......

Listen Listen, To the song here in my heart A melody I've start But can't complete Listen, to the sound from deep within It's only beginning To find release Oh, the time has come for my dreams to b...
Posted by h4rRy@cHuB^b1zKiT on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:25:00 PST