^phAt''boy*emy profile picture


About Me

aku nie gemuk.......erm suker makan....kadang2 tuh aku nie kelakar,.. kelakar tahapmelampau.aku nieh hensem(that sucks dude)ahakssss.......klakar2..yang lebih penting ialahaku nieeeee.....what Can I sAy 1s PeopLe KNow Me As a "CuTe" And ChuBBy bOy That HavEdiFfeReNt ChaRacTeriStic(IsN't It So?) SomeTimeS I caN Be ToO Serious,FoR THoSe WhO KNoWme WeLL thEY wiLL rEaLiZe that I Luv To Make People Laugh and Laugh wiTH My JoKes yeahsometimes I wILL be Like a FuNny PersoN tO eVery One Around Me,SomeTimeS AlSO I wiLL BeLoViNg, CarinG aNd SiNceRe tO SOmeOne!,1 bElIeVe That we ShOulD HaVe A stRoNg SelF esTeeMto OverComE aLL pRObLeM ThaT wE Face That's whY I Used to "ThiNKiNG CriTicAllY" iNWhATeVer I dO w1tHiN MYseLf in OrDer to Get A better And PEAceful LifE,SoMeTiMes 1 fEeL aBiT CoNFusEd wItH MY SelF ( DoN'T KnOw WhiCH WaY to Go!)......... hehehehehe.SometiMes !

My Interests

"luka mu luka ku jua..."
location: kedai mamak
gender: male
status: single
orientation: aku lelaki sejati
smoke: yes
drink: no
education: in college
occupation: student

I'd like to meet:

I would like to see every people in this world no matter who he/she is... espescially my GADIS...... HEY YILLI....I PROMISE TO TAKE CARE AND LUV U THE BEST I CAN......ITU BULAN TURUN KE, ITU BUMI NAIK KE, CHENTA KU PADAMU TETAP TAKKAN BERUBAH......

komen disini !

My Blog

pEras@an Ku.......................................

Beauty queen of only eighteen She had some trouble with herself He was always there to help her She always belonged to someone else I drove for miles and miles And wound up at your door I've h...
Posted by ^phAt''boy*emy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST