Same oL me.. Love WaTcHin' MoviEs, sHopPin, BroWSin' aRounD eVery ShoPpiN coRNeR, ChiT-cHaTtin wiF Ma FrenSs, my BubBLy NephEW.... bLa..bLa.... maybe i iNTeresTeD in "U"
eMM... anyOne.. Love Havin' New PeopLe in My LifE... DuHhHh!~~~~!!!!!!
eMM~! aLLa.. aNY kinD of Music wiLL Do..~Fumbling his confidence~ ~And wondering why the world has passed him by~ ~Hoping that he's bid for more than arguments~ ~And failed attempts to fly, fly~~We were meant to live for so much more~ ~Have we lost ourselves?~ ~Somewhere we live inside~ ~Somewhere we live inside~ ~We were meant to live for so much more~ ~Have we lost ourselves?~ ~Somewhere we live inside~~Dreaming about Providence~ ~And whether mice or men have second tries~ ~Maybe we've been livin with our eyes half open~ ~Maybe we're bent and broken, broken~~We want more than this world's got to offer~ ~We want more than this world's got to offer~ ~We want more than the wars of our fathers~ ~And everything inside screams for second life, yeah~~We were meant to live for so much more~ ~Have we lost ourselves?~ ~We were meant to live for so much more~ ~Have we lost ourselves?~ ~We were meant to live for so much more~ ~Have we lost ourselves?~ ~We were meant to live~ ~We were meant to live~
Harry PoTTer, TransFormerS, Die Hard4, aLL The LatesT Movies... But Love waTChing it at The cineMa.. don't buy PiratEd sTuFF... ehhehehehehheheh
Love waTchiN' SitComS.. ThaTs SO RaveN, LizziE Mc GuiRe, My WiFe anD KidS, FRIENDS, JoeY, StiLL StanDing, ScrubS, DesPeraTe HousewiVeS, WonderFaLLs, MaNy Many More.....
BoOks??? Nahhhhh.. Don'T have Time For That...:)
StiLL SearChinG.....