Cruelleen De Vil~~ profile picture

Cruelleen De Vil~~

What U Looking For Is Rite Where U Left It!!~

About Me

This was not what I meant, at all. Don't be fooled by my dramatic performance. Man can be drawn with simple lines and still the epic nature of man can never be written. It's late. I'm still up as always as usual.
I miss you. I'll probably always keep missing you, like we do when we remember our favorite toy or book or friend from childhood, forever lost to us and glorified by the absence that will never be satisfied.
You'll always be out of reach. But I wish I could kiss you goodnight. Tell me what you dreamed. Tell me what you think. Tell me you were real. Tell me I am.
To be and to have:
To meet and know:
Lots to know...
Too much to summarize,
just get to know me or ask people around me...
judge me..!!!
What You Should Know..!!
So I listen to all kinds of music. Why the heck u keep busying yourself to know which genre of music I'm really involved?
I do listen to hard music but I also enjoy other kind of music. I prefer good music with lots of finger works. That kind of music impressed me a lot.
Listening to metal song does not mean I am a metal head. I strictly do not consider myself as a metal head. So stop treating me like I'm one of those gothic female who likes blood and torture.
To be continue..

My Interests

All that is: Cliché, Forgotten, Random, Ridiculous, Modest, Comical, Expressed, Emotional, Dramatic, Picturesque, Misadventured, Reminiscent, Cultural, Serene, Tainted, Silent, Professed, Positive, Philosophical, Meaningless, Irrelevant. The most important... Makan + Tido X Eaaattt + Sleeeepppp..... = Kegemokan yg melanda diri ku ini... what to do...


I'd like to meet:

Nina..! Husna..! Emiey...!


i like various kind of music.. i just can't live without music...


X Specific


Sex and The City, Small Ville and i also love Soap Opera coz i spend too much time at home lately.. hehehe....
The Bold and The Beautiful... my favourite.!!~~ Stupidevil ~~




Spiderman, Superman, Batman.. hakhakhak... Myself of course, who else can save u when u're in trouble nowadays.... i do what i have to do when i'm in trouble. i don't trust people a lot. that's what my mum tells me since i'm still in her womb

My Blog

Aku tersepit~

Hallo hallooo.. ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Ok aku nak taip secara cepat dan tangkas kerana dah lama teringin nak meluahkan segalanya tp masa tak m...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Thu, 08 May 2008 12:56:00 PST


Well.. aku just nak update secara ringkas apa yang aku terasa nak taip sblm aku telupa segala2 nya. 20.03.2008 aritu aku blk sabah.. eksaited lain skit kali ni... kerana... hmm.. biar aku je laa yang ...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 03:30:00 PST


  Uish.. lama gila tak taip apa2. keinginan tu ada.. Cuma kemalasan mengatasi segala2nya. Tapi sbrnya takde apa yang menarik pon jadik lately. Just happy with my life rite now. Keje ok, kwn2 pon...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 03:14:00 PST

Happy Belated New Year~

Wahhh... mmg dah lama sgt tak buat benda ni... takde benda sgt nak di taip. sbrnya ada tp m.a.l.a.s. hahaha.. apa2 pon, happy nuyer. aku dah setelkan satu benda yang tependam dlm ati ko. setelah sekia...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 07:07:00 PST

Never Assume

  Assumption! Benda baik ke buruk?
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:51:00 PST

Promises And Sorry~

Promises and Sorry ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Here I am again. Well, first of all, selamat berpuasa. Aku pon taktau nak taip apa kali ni. There's s...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:49:00 PST

2 Weddings and A Funeral~

Lats wiken.. aku pegi kuala trenganu ngan mr.raydza n his fren, tee. gerak dlm kul 930am. ptg baru smpi. ada jugak dlm 2,3 kali aku tido kat blakang tu. aku mmg dah plan nak dok blakang sbb sng nak t...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 01:30:00 PST

Love is in the - MONTH~

hujung minggu ni je.. dua org kenalan aku nikah. dua2 laki... and next week pulak.. another boyfren of mine, getting engaged. bezanya.. yang nak tunang tu sikit punya eksaited. while those two yang n...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:05:00 PST

Ego Strike~

alah.. aku tak kisah pon ko nak kata apa. aku ok je. ko ingat, takat ko nak kata aku camtu, aku akan down la... WRONG..  im fine with it. cuma, aku nak tgk jugak appearance ko. camna ko bawa diri...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 08:16:00 PST

Cracked Brain~

these past few weeks was hectic. im not talking about my life or daily activities. but my mind. i just cant stop thinking about that 'thing'. it seems like i cant get it out of my mind. even when im ...
Posted by Cruelleen De Vil~~ on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 10:33:00 PST