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Weimaraner Rescue, Finding a vat of Tiger Balm to soak my painful back into...., Rehab for after my back surgery... Hoping to get off the pain meds completely in the future. I would like to loose weight and get back in to shape.
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Feelz Like Friday, Southern 7, Kittie,Disturbed, Korn, old heavy metal, hip hop and everything in between. Really just depends on my mood and I have lots of them. I am a unique woman and I will leave it at that.................
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Shawshank Redemption, Empire Records, ANYTHING HAUNTINGLY scary but not gory! Hold the clowns and owls please as I am damn near phobic about them.
Myspace Chinese Astrology
Do not watch a whole lot of television. Sometimes I watch Wife Swap, Super Nanny as far as series are concerned. Pretty much spend most of my time with Larry, my two sons and my laptop but not necessarily in that order.
I am an avid reader of many genres and could not begin to list all the books I have read that I like. I even use audio books to fall asleep at night.
My mom who has faced a long difficult battle with breast cancer. My dad for supporting her. My son's as they are of supernatural quality! Oh and my animals! My weimaraners Rayven and Maggie (just rescued her), my dog Mister Freckles and a cat named Sox. Larry for being his wild and crazy self!