sewing, writing, thrift stores/garage sales, traveling, graphic design, anarcho poltiics, punk music, zines, social work, community self build, squatting, settlement houses, woodworking, alternative energy, cooking, farmers markets, junk yards, lincolns, shows that require audience participation, filmaking, comics
Creative, enlightened people who would like to network and work together on writing projects, collectivist schemes, touring, sewing, etc. Rabblerousers who also know the meaning of community and friendship and are not too hung up on themselves.
early punk/hardcore (Ramones, X, The Clash, Avengers, Bad Brains, Crimpshine, Embrace, Soul Side, Code of Honor) also a small selection of 90s punk (jawbreaker, Propaghandi, Weakerthans, Bikini Kill, Dag Nasty, Discount, Rites of Spring, Fastbacks), early folk (like Woodie Guthrie, Hank Williams), all sorts of jazz (but especially Billi Holiday), bosa nova, 60's/70's classic rock, new wave (Cure, Joy Division), sixties motown soul but most of all ... Prince
Bibbette's Feast, Brewster's Millions, All of Me, Oh Brother Where Art Thou', Quiz Show, Raising Arizona, Drop Dead Fred, Woodie Allan movies, Death to Smoochy, I Robot, IMoonstruck, Frida, Royal Tenenbaums, Gas Food and Lodging, Good-bye Lenin, The Legend of Billie Jean, Manufacturing Consent
Living my Life by Emma Goldman, The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein, The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, Ressurection by Tolstoy, Grapes of Wratch by Steinbeck, Dream World by Kent Winslow, Sister's of the Road by Dr. Ben Reitman, The Chalace and the Blade by Riane Eisler, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audri Lorde, The Second Sex by Simone De Beauvior, Either/Or by Soren Kierkegaard, Emile by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series, Ray Bradbury novels, and The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Leguin, Despite Everything by Aaron Cometbus
Emma Goldman, Eugene Debs, Justice Harlan, Amy Goodman, my mom