intergalactic travel, unknown foods you find in a forest, space monsters with issues, soundwaves and other STUFFF!
spacepeople, lots of kitties especially Coon Cats.
Cool people that are real. People that know about chemtrails, the H.A.A.R.P. and any other topics that are not covered by the media.
Anything that sounds good and that is a challenge to play! I play acoustic and electronic drums. Music styles I enjoy playing: jazz, rock, rock n roll, blues, surf, progressive rock, Jazz rock, hard rock, funk, fusion, punk, punk rock, Hardcore, Metal, death metal, speed metal, thrash, Fusion metal, trance and psychedelic. I love cross over beats. I am a fashion whore.
foreign, stoner and ambient
Check out These video of Scarry Jerry on Guitar and Keifer Modoreefer on Drums a jam in 9/07
Here's some videos of me with the Band PUS
PUS - Venerial Infestation live at Budfest 4-19-08
Pus - Poop Two Poops live at Budfest
PUS - Wet Fart Blues live at Budfest
The losers guide to reflective sombalism. The New Recording Studio Handbook. Stars and Planets, anything about the Pleiadians.
Buddha, Mr Modoreefer (my cat), Ahau, Mother Earth,