ming profile picture


will DJ for cider

About Me

My Interests

listening to music, buying music, downloading music, collecting music, playing music, music gigs, music festies.... yep, i'm seeing a pattern here.

I'd like to meet:

George W Bush. Armed.


Absolutely anything especially Indie, Metal, Punk, Psych, Reggae, Electronic, Beats, Pop, Prog, Classical, Folk (old and new), 60s Soul.... All the quirkier the better.


Pi, La Haine, The Corporation, The Prestige, Serenity, V for Vendetta, LOTR, South Park, Cube, Shaun of the Dead


West Wing, Lost, Firefly, Top Gear, American Dad, Stargate, Doctor Who, Monkey Dust, Green Wing, Spaced


John Case, Harlan Coben, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, George Orwell. Anything with a conspiracy...


John Peel (RIP) and Mark Thomas