im a musician and a traveller of the sights and sounds of the world.
In April this year i took the most astounding and important journey of my life. My band took me to Cape Town for 2 gigs which was fantastic.After the band left ( 3 days ) I got on a bus and went north up the east-coast and ended up in Chintsa ( East London ). I visited another traveling friend who ended up working at the Buccaneers backpacker´s in for many years. This place shelter volontairs working in the area in animal protection and human recource projects.
I ended up listening to some children in the school of Buluga and as the first note hit me i could not help but cry.
( This much to the childrens surprise. ) I felt that i found home and my whole ancestry came roaring at me. im part African part Northamerican indian and also Scandinavian AND of gypsy blood, so this was a trip. i spoke to some older women that asked me how it felt to be home after so long....Back in Stockholm Sweden my daughter turned one year old and i wrote some lyrics about it all, sitting on a sand-dune looking over the ocean.
one of the songs they played at night from the bar at the Buccaneers was Mafikizolo´s "Emlanjeni" and this song has been like a soundtrack in my new "post" Africa life.I made an "adaptation" of this song and now im trying very hard to find someone that can link me to Mafikizolo for their approval of the song. My intention with this song is to raise money for the Children of Buluga and the school. The children are also featured in the track at the same time as you hear Mafikizolo.Sorry for writing such a long message but i really hope this reaches someone that MAYBE can help me out in finding Mafikizolo.Much Love and Respect,Tech.
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