I'd like to meet:
...AMO IL MIO BIMBO... ^_^
Death, Brutal/Death, Death/Grind, Grindcore, Death/Gore, Black, Thrash, Doom, Heavy, Power and a bit part of Gothic Metal.
I also like non-metal music as old rock style '70/'80, Jazz ( Jaco Pastorius the best ), and Classical Music, Verdi, Puccini, Paganini, Mozart, Beethoven and many more..I'm ( I try to be :D ) an opera singer and my lovely hero is Maria Callas, the best! ;)
What Type Of Metal Are You?
You Are Gore/Grind Metal!The fastest and least user friendly of all the genres. You think nothing of writing a song about taking a womans eyeball out and filling it with your own penis. Thats some seriously fucked up shit. You should see a psychiatrist. No, really. I'm serious.
Take this quiz !
what metal genre are you? Your Result: Death Metal
Growl away, you are brutal and anti establishment, you love to f--- with peoples minds by singing about everything from rape and murder to your own personal hell
Black metal
Thrash metal
Nu metal
Classic Metal
Power Metal
what metal genre are you? Which Black Metal musician are You? (10 possible results)
Take this quiz !
Wishmaster - NIGHTWISH ( FAKE =D )
My Baby
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