Over the last few years, I was a volunteer football coach at our local high school in Stevenson, Washington where we lived. I coached the offence. It was great working with the kids. My high school football coach (100 years ago) had a pretty big impact on how I see things, even today. If I contributed to the lives of my players only half as much as he did, I'll always feel great about that. I also loved the strategy that went on during the give and take of the games themselves. It's much like a game of speed chess with an occasional bloody nose thrown in.
At Christmas time each year I played "The Lord
Of The Manor" in the local Madrigal Feast. I may have been the only fat guy
in town with a beard when they originally asked me to do it, but it was a lot of
fun anyway. It was also fun walking around town all year, having the locals bow
and call me "My Lord!" You can call me Greg though.
When our son, Zeke, went into the Air Force in June (06), we became empty nesters. He's doing great and we are very proud of him. He got married on October 14th! Her name is Karena. Hopefully I'll have pictures to post soon. Since we build our Isagenix business on the Internet and over the telephone we had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world that we wanted. Panama works for us right now. Maybe next year it will be Italy, who knows!
I also have two beautiful, intelligent, magnificent daughters! (Yes, I'm a proud father.) Their names are Mindy (26), who lives in Bakersfield, and Patricia (16), who lives with her mom in Reno. I just love them both all to pieces! They are so much smarter than I am; it's tough being a dad these days and trying to keep up with them. I'm fortunate because my girls are perfect in every way. At least that's how I see them!
Anyway, the Columbia River Gorge was beautiful, but it starts raining there in mid-September and doesn't stop till June! Really, no sunshine at all. As a native, you're born with web feet! I grew up and went to high school there but a change was definitely in order. It's awesome here in Panama, we love it! Network Marketing Is Good!
Is That Your Butt Or Do You Have Rhode Island In Your Back Pocket?
For most of my adult life I have been the butt of more than one fat joke. On January 22nd, 2006, I weighed 304 pounds. I spent 50 years working on my before picture, and, as you can see by my picture below, it just wasn't pretty. All I could see in my future was either dangerous weight loss surgery or an early grave. As you might imagine, I didn't like what I saw ahead.
In addition to worrying about the health dangers, I got tired of being made to feel like I wasn't normal. I felt self-conscious when I ate in public because I thought other people were watching every bite I took. Most people thought that I was lazy or dumb or even ugly, just because I was fat. I did more fad weight-gain diets that anyone I knew. You know what I mean by weight-gain diet, the ones where you lose 30 pounds and gain back 45. 3 years ago I was thrilled because I got down to a weight that I swore I'd never get up to. I have to tell you, I took no comfort in knowing that at my size it made me harder to kidnap.
Did you know that there aren't any laws against discrimination for fat people. So I didn't get some of the speaking and training jobs that I wanted either. God forbid when I was the biggest person in the room...to this day that has always been my worst nightmare. Do you know what it's like not to see your own feet for ten years! Seriously though, being fat isn't funny. Contrary to popular belief, I don't think there are any "jolly fat people" anywhere, unless you still believe in Santa. If you're like I was and too short for your weight, you may be feeling the same way.
Growth Rate Of Obesity In The U.S.
1985 To 2004:
There Is Hope:
(Picture On Left 1-22-06 at 304 Lbs - On Right 11-11-06 at 229 Lbs)
I have lost a total of 75 pounds since January 22nd, 2006! Would you like to take off that fat too? Wouldn't you feel better liking the person that you see in the mirror? If you're girth-challenged, like me, or have someone in your life that you care about who is, contact me and I'll tell you how I did it.