Raine Maida profile picture

Raine Maida

March Tour Announced!

About Me

I am a singer.
I am a songwriter.
I am not an entertainer, although I can be entertaining. Alcohol.
I never knew how much I truly loved music until I bought The Unforgettable Fire.
I write and record music because it is the evidence of life.
I have yet to wrap my head around the distinction between pretentious and earnest.
I’m either hopelessly misunderstood or an idiot.
I am a Monday morning activist.
I’ve filmed Documentaries in Iraq and Darfur and work closely with various charities.
I drive a hybrid vehicle, shop with cloth grocery bags, buy mostly organic local foods but yet feel as though I’m living a cliché.
I dislike Yoga.
Love Bruce Lee and the UFC.
I know some real activists.
They humble me.
I feel as though I am a witness and the armed robbery is life happening right before my very eyes.
I don’t want to be the guy in the 7-11 hiding behind the candy bar aisle.
I started a band named in 1992 named Our Lady Peace.
Name taken from a Mark Van Doren World War 2 poem.
We signed to Columbia Records, sold millions, did all the late night talk shows and shared the stage with everyone from The Ramones to Willie Nelson to The Deftones and Neil Young.
I enjoy producing music. The stuff I’m most proud of you’ve probably never heard of. Men Women and Children, People in Planes. Billy the Kid, Dearly Beloved I spent the last year making a solo record.
It was written, recorded and produced by me in my home studio mostly late at night.
I approached the music completely differently from anything I’ve done before.
Poems, beats then chord progressions.
In my studio sits a 2-foot high stack of books and magazines Used sparingly throughout the recordings.
Emerson, Banksy, Ginsberg, Adbusters, The Fader, Buckminster Fuller, Nikki Giovanni. See what I mean…that delicate balance between pretentious vs. earnest.
Theme of the record …”the quest to be a decent human being”
Title…The Hunters Lullaby
The explanation…Ultimately you must venture out on your own to determine the meaning of life.
“Its hard work” (squinch your face and repeat with a Texas accent)
It should all be coming together now.
“Earthless” song about courage from the eyes of a young girl struggling with being a young girl
“The Less I Know” religion…raised catholic. Got over it but still say the Our Father before I take off when flying. Jared Paul speaks at the end of the track. War is on his mind.
“China Doll” inspired by Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. The Lyric “Sour like democracy” ends up being a sub theme of the record and my love hate relationship with politics.
All songs recorded with acoustic instruments only.
The players…Victor Indrizzo (Beck, Gnarls Barkley) started the drum sessions with me back in the summer of 06.
Joseph Karnes played all the stand up bass (John Cale, Pedestrian, My Brightest Diamond)
Chantal Kreviazuk played piano and sang
Randy Cooke (Dave Stewart) ended up cutting the majority of the drums and percussion.
Jared Paul guested on a track. (Back to what I was discussing earlier…. he’s the real deal. social worker, marched in over 100 protest/rallies ….blah blah blah)
Recently I’ve shared the stage with artists such as Saul Williams, Jello Biafra and Peaches
I’ve begun performing in spoken word festivals
William Blake, Allen Ginsberg, Walt Whitman, Jack Kerouac.
University of Toronto Literature classes.
Buddy Wakefield, Sage Francis, Suheir Hammad, Anis Mogjani.
Poetry Slam DVD’s bought with Visa card from Amazon.
Spoken word is what gets me off these days.
Probably because it makes feel so damn insecure.
It’s much more relevant than music.
I get the same feeling from spoken word today as the first time I heard Nirvana’s “smells like teen spirit.”
I’m not exactly sure where my record fits in this musical climate.
For the first time in my musical journey I own the music fully and completely. This excites me.
I’m not sure where it fits in today’s musical landscape.
I take comfort in that.
I have two very young children who will one day judge me by this work.
Fear and courage are brothers.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/12/2006
Band Website: rainemaida.net
Band Members: one + none
Influences: poets,painters,life,love,death,music.
Sounds Like: a city street of rhymes, prose and haiku's bullied by beats and chords

Join the email list to stay informed! I am 13 years old or older.
email Address:






male female

Record Label: kingnoise records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

last show..for now

it’s here. the final show of this tour. Mercury Lounge in NY tomorrow night. as i sit in my hotel room here in NY i find myself able to have some perspective on this past month on the road.To ev...
Posted by Raine Maida on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:22:00 PST

on the road...

i have been overwhelmed by this tour so far. the fans have been extraordinary! a simple thank you seems to fall short. coming up are the Ontario dates which i’m really looking forward to. Jared ...
Posted by Raine Maida on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:24:00 PST

free is free

apathy is boring especially when you can win free shit.chance to win a pair of tickets to one of my shows just for answering a simple question. good deal.http://www.apathyisboring.com/en/the_facts/new...
Posted by Raine Maida on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:33:00 PST


first solo tour is just over a week away. rehearsing needs to happen. there are actually a handful of songs that have never been played before so a private setting will suit me while we work out the ...
Posted by Raine Maida on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:05:00 PST

Once upon a time

i guess by this point i just assume most people have seen the movie ONCE. if you havent you should. it is a brilliant little film that has moved mountains. The music from this movie isn't political or...
Posted by Raine Maida on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 08:23:00 PST

a word is not just a word

this is the second time in the last 3 weeks that a personality in the media has used the word "lynch." i am sickened by the fact that some people feel justified using this word in any connotation. bot...
Posted by Raine Maida on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 06:04:00 PST

Jared paul

i am honoured to announce Jared Paul,a powerful spoken word artist, will be joing the tour for a few stops starting in London. Jared appears on "the less i know" from my solo record and will obviously...
Posted by Raine Maida on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:13:00 PST

Neil Old? a letter to Mr.Young

i read a troubling comment by Neil Young this morning. He stated "it would be naive to think that music still has the power to change the world." This is utterly shocking coming from the lips of Mr.Y...
Posted by Raine Maida on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 12:21:00 PST

death,taxes and an actual link

Posted by Raine Maida on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 06:53:00 PST

a new meaning to death and taxes

if you are an American opposed to the war and the Bush Doctrine this site might interest you. the relationship between death and taxes evolves into a powerful social statement with this proposition.c...
Posted by Raine Maida on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 04:38:00 PST