Sophie profile picture


I have measured out my life with coffee spoons

About Me

This profile was absolutely not pimped up with anything MySpace anything

I love pencils and pianos.
When I was seven I got a postcard from the Loch Ness Monster.
And that's all you really need to know about me.

Music, writing vaguely relevant things about stuff, wonderings, taking the scenic route, and Ribena kisses.

I love all the important people in my life.
I love summer rain and windy days.
I love the word ‘imagination’ and the taste of peppermint tea.
And grapefruits. I love grapefruits.
I like using Shakespearian insults and drawing useless cartoons.
When I am not being driven out of town for obscene compositions of ‘music’ by angry unshaven hillbilly characters waving large shotguns, I enjoy convincing myself that I can create masterpieces of epic literature and art (all of which, in Santyana's words, are essentially useless)
I love black and white photographs and lampooning innocent current events with narrow in-jokes and playing the cello in an unavoidably pretentious manner.
I love Robert Peel. (Is this now incest??!)
I love thinking and learning, and writing, and live music. The important things, you know, like staying up late and talking about interesting things, and long cuddles, and playing the piano. I really love that.
Happiness and teacakes.
That’s what’s important.
And nothing else matters.
No Sky, No Earth
Yet still...Snowflakes Fall
To give you a notion of Earth's dimensions, I can tell you that before the invention of electricity, it was necessary to maintain, over the whole of six continents, a veritable army of four-hundred-sixty-two thousand, five hundred and eleven lamplighters.

The sun would stream on the sheets
Awoken by the morning bird
We'd buy the Sunday newspapers
And never read a single word

My Interests

Better than digestive bicuits:

(...actually; nowhere is empty, just...)

Thinking, good conversation, cuddles, interesting people, haiku, sunsets, parties, cafes, going out for drinks and fun and culture, gig/concert-going, flowers, walking bare foot, string quartets, getting lost in interesting places, the universe on a dark and quiet night, philosophy, being sp on t a n eo us , eating fruit salad, words and things, talking, writing poetry, writing stories, thought experiments, ribena kisses, adventures, people teaching me interesting things, interesting things, playing guitar in the park, epistemology, spelling mistakes, etymology, semantics, metaphysics, condescending witicism-ology, Buddhism and ...."other eastern isms....", post-modernism, reading, preludes, nocturnes, symphonies, making flying machines, foreign climes, drawing everything I see, treasure hunts, pirates and ninjas and teenage mutant hero turtles, composing, listening, musicising, The Guardian Guide , the Golden Ratio, making up new wordage , my wonderously awesome-cool friends, blether-prattling hyperbol-isms...

I'd like to meet:

this guy: ... and him too:
But failing that...Pablo Legondas:


Music that asks questions
-Arcade Fire
-Phillip Glass
-E.S. Posthumus
-Dream Theatre
-Thomas Newman
-Rob Dougan
-Nick Cave
-Turin Brakes
-The Prodigy
-Hans Zimmer

Music is my playmate, my lover, my crying towel.

~Buffy Sainte-Marie


-Jonathan Livingston Seagull
-Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
-The Phantom Tollbooth
-The BFG
-T.S.Eliot's Four Quartets (poems, i know)
-The Wasp Factory
-The Little Prince
-The Five People You Meet in Heaven
-The Wind on Fire Trilogy
-Nineteen-Eighty Four
-Brave New World

-Alice Through the Looking Glass
-The Space and Time of Uncle Albert
-Winnie the Pooh
-The Vedas - endlessly fascinating
-The Just So Stories
-Firebringer & The Sight
-The Wizard of Id series...


"If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we"ve destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don"t you think that we might see each other once or twice?"

-Tomas Transtromer
-Richard Bach
-Roald Dahl
-Douglas Adams
-Will Shakespeare
-T.S. Eliot
-Great Grandad Robert Peel :)
-Albert Einstein
-John Conway
-Stephen Fry
-Norton Juster
-my lovely guru
-Dmitri Shostakovich
-Leonardo da Vinci
-Vassilyovich Kandinsky

The BFG and, well, me, obviously...