Anastasia [Eloise] profile picture

Anastasia [Eloise]

The importance of keeping your clothes on and taking your mind off of this.

About Me

I'm Anastasia/Ani/Pani.
I'm quite friendly really.
I'm still waiting for life to start;
I worry that I will always be waiting.
I would like to be male for a day,
Just to see what it would feel like to pee whilst standing.
The logistics of it outstand me.
I like it when people you don't know randomly talk to you in public.
It makes me feel sociable and oddly brave.
I wish I could come up with intersting small talk.
I love full names.
I have always wondered what it would feel like to live in a dolls house.
I don't get sarcasm.
My biggest fear is that people can hear my thoughts.
Then they will know what a retard I really am.
But I suppose it would be quite pretty to see what thought looks like on paper.
I wish I liked beer.
I think it would make me look cooler.
I would like to be cooler.
I wish people smiled more.
My favourite thing about being human
Is having memories.
I like memories.
They feel so much more glamorous than the present.
My aim in life is to get married.

My Interests

I ♥life drawing
I ♥Einaudi
I ♥Vogue
I ♥My grandparents

I'd like to meet:

I have yet to refine this talent..
When we have suceeded
Clem and I shall post our efforts.


Death cab for cutie.
All American Rejects.
Ludovico Einaudi.
Frou Frou.
Imogen Heap.
The Cutaway.
Emmy the Great.
The Shins.
Mute Math.
Enter Shikari.
Rise Against.


Robin Hood.


Jeremy Kyle.


Today begins my walk with you
Where you go I go
Where you stay I stay
When you sleep I will sleep
When you rise I will rise
I will pass my days within the sound of your voice
and my nights within the reach of your hand
and none shall come between us.

This I vow.



I like it when he doesn't shave.
It makes him look like a hobo.
He looks damn fine in a suit.
He knows how to calm me down.
He understands my odd hand movements.
We are both really wierd.
I hate it when he pretends to be retarded.
I wish he lived in my cupboard.
There is so much that I wish I could say.
He has put up with me when I've been a twat.
And still he looks out for me.
He's a bit special.
Life wouldn't be the same without him;
Neither would my phone bill.
His laugh makes me crack up.
Thanks for being amazing.

I love him for putting me in place
With a well aimed cuss.
He occasionaly makes a noise that sounds like hes being castrated.
Thats love for you.
I like stargazing on his trampoline.
I can't wait for the day my boobs grow,
And I can finally have the last laugh.
My Mummy and my big fat sister.
How can the lady who put you on this planet not be your hero?
She's stunning but refuses to admit it.
The elephant on Clem's top sums it up.
Two fat, one skinny..
The ugly sisters.

Mmmm face packs.