About Me
NUWABU Music Archive Series Each track is a 30 to 45 minute compilation. you might want to download them in case the music police delete this profile, lol.
I collect earthly music of all types, but i focus on music that is amazing, virtuous, harmonically complex in an organic fashion ... and Energetic! In a way that seems Transhuman ... Music that alters our naieve preconception of what is humanly possible! Track Details Below!I also collect weird samples .. audio clips of Cosmic Jazz, Terrence Mckenna, Firesign Theater, Beastie Boys, Yodeling music, Timothy Leary, Found Sounds, Ultra-fast Rapping, Bill Hicks, Trippy Smash-ups, a buddhist Guitar Guru, Ancient Indian Vocals, Weird UFO and Religious songs, Underground Techno, the Hour of SLACK, Eskimo vocal Games, etc, etc. Each profile has four compilation tracks (about 40 Minutes Each!) of all your favorite unheard music and audio samples.
See below for the other selections.
1 'hiphopphilosophymusic'-
Missy Elliot Bluegrass remix, lol, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Philosophical questions about the meaning of life, 1950s tech marketing jingles, M&M Vaudeville remix, 1978 KFC extra-crispy record, Dating advice, Doopee Time, DJ Yoda, Yann Tomita Psychedelic Steel-pan drums, Bannana Splits, Joe Frank Spoken art2 'Occultfalmingsquid' -
Joe Frank, Vocalise smash ups, JFK timetravel sci-fi clips, Beastie Boys/Beatles remix, Scary PSA, Bran Flakes clip, Bill Hicks RANT on flag-burning, JKF conspiracy clips, Trippy Techno Smash-ups, Jogging For Jesus(!?), Reggie Wooten insane guitar solo,3 'trippy sample mix' -
Bill Hicks RANT on Drug Policy, Dead Cat Fossils Prove the Bible(?), Beastie Remix, Kleptones vs. Queen, Dolemite the Human Tornado, Freakshow, Christian-mental patient record about traveling to hell, old internet ad, Secrets of Bug-Porn, GW Bush worst language mistakes compilation(real), Ebonics training LP(real), Tourrorism Let's Roll, Joe Frank on WAR, Vaudeville Drug-song.4 'Insane India Vocals" -
compilation of totally incredible / exotic / kick-ass ancient vocal techniqies and music from India ... very groovy and amazing. If this singing technique could be married with blues, tuvan throat singing, opera, buddhist chanting, rap and yodeling then it would be amazing! Somebody please try -you'll be famous!
Superhero Rashaan Roland Kirk
The Great Sun Ra Arkestra - Space Age Musicians
SUN RA Showing how to Play a Keyboard like Hendrix
Physical, Mental, Psyhcological, Cellular, Social & Spiritual healing with Music Music physically alters the body/mind on all physiological levels, such as metabolism, heart rate, hormonal balance, endorphins, neural growth, brainwave synchrony ..etcTherefore music is literally a way of sharing the inner physical, cellular and mental processes that keep us healthy (or sick) thru vibrational entrainment (sympathetic transfer of motion).
Here is a diagram from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the resonant vibrational frequencies of the human body. Sounds or music at these frequencies will resonante in the body-areas illustrated. This chart is for preventing organic damage when using heavy machinery ... but it can also be applied to using sound and vibration to heal or adjust the body/mind.
NUWABU Cosmic Music Service includes:
NUWABU 3 (you are here)
Each profile has full compilation-track listings on four mix-tracks (about 40 Minutes Each! Averaging 120 minutes per profile) of the most diverse sound-transmissions you will hear online. ALL Tracks Are Free For Download! New Clips of Cosmic Jazz, Terrence Mckenna, Firesign Theater, rare Electronica, Beastie Boys, Yodeling music, Timothy Leary, Found Sounds, Ultra-fast Rapping, Bill Hicks, Trippy Smash-ups, a buddhist Guitar Guru, Ancient Indian Vocals, Weird UFO and Religious songs, Underground Techno, the Hour of SLACK, Eskimo vocal Games, Hindu singing, Eastern horns, African drums, Glitchcore, Trip-hop, mutated backwoods savants, Tribal & Trance ceremony recordings, Unlikely sounds, Unusual Instruments etc, etc.
SUGGESTED USE: Background music for surfing the web and doing stuff. Each track is long enough for you to get some shit done while listening. This will also gently train your ear to apprehend the amazing subtle qualities of some of this music.
Thanks and Gratitude!
http://www.myspace.com/miqel: Personal Profile
my Youtube channel
I created & maintain the Paul Laffoley Myspace Page.He is an amazing and underknown painter, visionary, philosopher, designer and cosmic thinker.