I'm a musician so music is a HUGE part of my life. I majored in jazz studies in college with piano as my concentration but I also played flute/piccolo since age 7. I've been reading music that long as well. I also purchased a Fender jazz (4 string bass) & am learning to play it. Music is a Part of me. I'm also an aspiring theologian (high goal,huh?) so the Word of God is also a HUGE part of my life. I do a LOT of reading & studying. I'm also a history LOVER. Anything from western civilization to the civil war to the Great Depression has my Full attention. I also LOVE make up. I love to play with the colors and ways to accentuate certain features (thanks to Natalie Wilson! Lol)Which by the way, I am a Natalie Wilson & S.O.P. alumni as well as this Bangin group from New Orleans/Virginia by the name of Choice Blessings under the leadership of J.Damian Brown. I have sang with Kim Burrell, Dorinda Clark Cole, Ted & Sheri, Doobie Powell, and MANY others. I've worked with Joe "Flip" Wilson, Leon Lacey, Joel Britton, and MANY others. I currently also sing with Kim Che're..... "Free to Be ME" GO GRAB IT!!!! Great project. One of my favorites that I have done.
Jesus.....in PEACE! LOL..... Prince, Angelina Jolie, Bishop C.H.Mason, Rees Howells, Rev.Jesse Jackson, Albert Einstein's mom, Thelonius Monk, Charlie Parker, John Lennon, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, Oprah Winfrey, Truman Capote, Maya Angelou, John F. Kennedy,
ALL types..... Yes, even bluegrass (awesome harmonies)
Anything funny:The Family Stone, Monster-In-Law, & anything with historical undertones like National Treasure and the Da Vinci Code
THE HISTORY CHANNEL, E.R., CSI, just about ANY documentary, the WORD network, cartoons (LOVE em)
I don't think I'll have enough space! LOL..... The Bible, Rightly Dividing the Word, The Intercessor, Theology of Prayer, ANY biblical commentaries, I have an authentic Civil War picture journal (was a gift), ALL Joyce Meyers books, ALL Paula White books, Sidewalks in the Kingdom, the list goes ON & ON
JESUS, my PARENTS (they're AMAZING!), J.DAMIAN BROWN (who encourages & teaches me SO MANY things & gave me a Beautiful son), Leon Lacey who is one of the foundational people in my life & musical inspiration since I was 13 yrs old, Mother Dorothy Victor, Bishop J.A.Thompson, His Grace Bishop J.D.WILEY,Elder Maize Warren, Bishop Darryl S. Brister,Rees Howells, Jesse Jackson, Paula White...anyone who is True to themself and walks in what GOD says despite circumstances or opinions