You scored as Willow Rosenberg. You are a very smart individual. Though, like everyone else, you've made mistakes. You've changed over the last few years, so have a lot of things in your life, but you've got great friends who love you and are there for you through anything.
Willow Rosenberg
Buffy Summers
Xander Harris
Dawn Summers
Tara Maclay
Rupert Giles
people I know, people I don't,people I will and people I won't.
i like all kinds of music. im really digging PANIC at the disco, i love the musical wicked. im emo sometimes i guess(only because james tells me so) and i do like a lot of emo music(god i hate labels sometimes)
well while the list is quite prolific here are a few: The United States of Leland, Latter Days, Confessions of an American Girl, Transamerica, Elephant, Home Room, Siblings...
Full Metal Alchemist, Charmed, Buffy, Family Guy,Desperate Housewives, ,Invader Zim, Futurama,Degrassi, a few other things but only when im in the mood for them.
Chronicles of Narnia, Peter Pan, Harry Potter, Stephen King, poetry of all sorts.
My mom and dad. for always going above and beyond what they had to do to take care of child that wasnt really theirs.