The person responsible for this profile is me, Marie. I love The 69 Eyes, and can’t imagine life without their music. The whole purpose of this profile is to show some love for the man with the voice of a God, Jyrki69. The 69 Eyes is in my opinion the best rock band of our time, and the world needs to know about them, they are to fantastic to not be heard. So if you are a die hard The 69 Eyes fan and you happen to drop by this page, please add to your friends, all requests will be accepted!
If you love the work of Jyrki, Archzie
, Bazie, Timo-Timo and last but not least Jussi, if you know all their songs by heart, and if you admire them so much that what you want more than anything is to replace your last name with the number 69! Then darling, let me welcome you home!
So please enjoy my Jyrki69 fansite, that’s why I created it. Read blogs, view pictures, comment and meet other fans of Jyrki and The 69 Eyes!
Special thanks to The Siren, for making the banner:)
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