Hello! This polish MySpace of 69 Eyes ...
Witajcie! Polskie MySpace zespolu 69 Eyes...
European Vampire - AssociationMaybe you're wondering what E.V.A. is...?
The European Vampire-Association is a network formed by all official european The 69 Eyes streetteams (managed by the german streetteam)
E.V.A. makes it easier for you, to get informations about the band and all kinds of streetteam activities,especially the ones in your country. You can find your responsible streetteam and will always know - "Thats the official one", if there is the amandment 'member of E.V.A.'
Finish band, The 69 Eyes started the play in 1990 when five,young fans The Ramones decided to make own band. Today they are included to band which play gothick rock but not always was that like you think. Initially they were inspireted by bands like : The Ramones, Iggy&The Stooges or for example Motorhead. And of course always, the most important musican incomes were The Doors. In 1990, the most important things for 69 Eyes was " play as most loudly and just give learn about them". Today The 69 Eyes have fans on the all world, in Poland too. First concert in Poland they played in 2004. In 2007 we could see them in Krakov
We did this first,unofficial myspace becouse we want support our fav. HELLsinki Vampires, but not only. We did it for fans to,especially for polish fans who want connecting. We hope you will be more and more and this MS will become better. We hope you will help and support us! Remember, that you're making this MS all the time...
Members of band:
Timo Timo-guitarist
Bumb 'n' grind (1992)
Savage garden (1995)
Wrap your troubles in dreams (1997)
Wasting the dawn (1999)
Blessed be (2000)
Pariss kills (2002)
Framed in blood -the very blessed of the 69 eyes(2003)
Framed in Blood - The Very Blessed of the 69 Eyes (2003)
Devils (2004)
Angels (2007)
Hollywood Kills ...(2008)
Po polsku (in Polish):
Finski zespol, 69 Eyes rozpoczal gre w 1990 roku, kiedy to pieciu,mlodych fanow The Ramones zdecydowalo zalozyc wlasny zespol. Dzisiaj sa kojarzeni z zespolem, ktory gra gotyckiego rocka, jednak nie zawsze bylo tak jak myslicie. Poczatkowo byli inspirowani przez takie kapele jak: The Ramones, Iggy&The Stooges czy np. Motorhead i oczywiscie od zawsze jednym z najwazniejszych muzycznych wplywow byli The Doors. W roku 1990 najwazniejesza rzecza dla 69 Eyes bylo grac najglosniej i poprostu pozwolic siebie poznac. Dzisiaj, 69 Eyes maja fanow na calym swiecie,takze i w Polsce.Pierwszy koncert zagrany przez "Oczka" w naszym kraju, byl wystep w 2004 roku, w Warszawie. W 2007 mielismy okazje zobaczyc ich w Krakowie.br>
Glownym celem, dla ktorego powstalo to nieoficjalne MS zespolu jest wspieranie 69 Oczu,ale nie tylko. To MS powstalo takze dla fanow, szczegolnie dla polskich,aby mogli sie oni jednoczyc. Mamy nadzieje,ze bedzie nas coraz wiecej i wkrotce to MS rozwinie sie jeszcze bardziej. Liczymy na kazda pomoc, na kazde wsparcie. To MS tworzycie przedewszystkim wy...
Czlonkowie zespolu:
Timo Timo-drugi gitarzysta
Bumb 'n' grind (1992)
Savage garden (1995)
Wrap your troubles in dreams (1997)
Wasting the dawn (1999)
Blessed be (2000)
Pariss kills (2002)
Framed in blood -the very blessed of the 69 eyes(2003)
Devils (2004)
Angels (2007)
contact with us:
[email protected] Official Website Of 69 Eyes : www.69eyes.com
Polish Forum 69 Eyes : www.69eyes.fora.pl
Polish Unofficial Blog Of 69 Eyes : www.69eyes-69oczu.blog.onet.pl
Layout made by Popster