FACE AWAY[searching for a label] profile picture

FACE AWAY[searching for a label]


About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorFace AwayBand – BiographyWe started as a band in 2003 with Jonas on drums, Jens on guitar, Felix on bass and Tobi and Sammy doing the vocals. But Face Away in those days sounded much different then it is today, it used to be like a mixture between old-school HC and punk rock.In 2005 we decided to make a change, we got a second guitar-player named Falko and our sound changed into a style which we would describe as straight, mosh-influenced “In your face Hardcore”, or just DTHC! The lyrics and the message stayed the same, it talks in general about being true to yourself (sometimes you have to blame yourself to get it), being proud of what you got, make your own decisions and choose “the hard way”!In June 2006 we recorded the 4-song-demo “King of my Own” by ourselves, after that Felix left the band and we got Sebastian as our new bass-player. So after we played many shows in our area, we hit the studio for the first time in May 2007 to record 4 songs in a much better quality than the old stuff. The new EP “Can´t let Down” is available since the 9th of June 2007. Buy this new stuff and check us out as you come to our shows!At the moment we are searching for a record label and for many shows to play!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/10/2006
Band Website: this is the website
Band Members:Tobias (vocals) - Sammy (vocals) - Falko (guitar) - Jens (guitar) - Sebastian (bass) - Jonas (drums)

FaceAway "Can´t let down" EP

The EP costs 5 Euro//Shirt 10 Euro//Package Shirt&EP 14 Euro + (1,50 postage & packing)

Order under: [email protected]

Sounds Like:

Record Label: search a label
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

FaceAway EP Preorder

Preorder FaceAway "Can..t let down" EP Das schicke Teil kostet 6,50 Euro (inkl.Porto und Verpackung) Wer eine haben möchte mailt bitte an [email protected] ...
Posted by FACE AWAY[searching for a label] on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 01:02:00 PST

EP comming soon!!!!!

Posted by FACE AWAY[searching for a label] on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:38:00 PST

Studio Update 3

So es ist vollbracht haben die Aufnahmen am Samstag mit den Backups beendet. Jetzt wird esrstmal gemixt und gemastert.Wir sind schon sehr auf das Ergebnis gespannt. Ihr werdet bald was auf die Ohren b...
Posted by FACE AWAY[searching for a label] on Sun, 13 May 2007 10:41:00 PST

Studio Update 2

8 Stunden konzentriertes Arbeiten forderten ihren Tribut.Unser Guitar Men schläft auf der Heimfahrt ein.Dafür sind die Guitars aber jetzt im Kasten. Heute haben wir den Bass e...
Posted by FACE AWAY[searching for a label] on Fri, 11 May 2007 03:40:00 PST

Studio Update 1

Ja erster Arbeitstag  beendet. Drums sind komplett im Kasten!! Morgen geht es mit den Guitars und dem Bass weiter Hier ein paar Impressionen ...
Posted by FACE AWAY[searching for a label] on Wed, 09 May 2007 10:13:00 PST

Face Away 07

Yeahauch Face Away sind im Jahr 2007 angekommen!Wir hoffen ihr seid alle gut reingekommenWir sind momentan fleißig dabei neue Songs zu schreiben.Einen ersten Höreindruck wird es hier geben.. Get the...
Posted by FACE AWAY[searching for a label] on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 01:05:00 PST