DEADSPAWN profile picture


Brutal Fucking Death Metal !!!!

About Me

DEADSPAWN was founded 1998 as succeeding band to PURGATORY and BONEMACHINE by Guido Holstein and David Dörrhöfer. Since december 1998 DEADSPAWN performed a considerable number of concerts together with bands like:MORBID ANGEL, NOCTE OBDUCTA, GORGORTH, JESTER’S FUNERAL, AMON AMARTH, REVENANT, GOD DETHRONED, BLACKENED, VENERAL, DISEASE, KRISIUN, INTO DARKNESS, LEGACY, OCCULT.In 2000 DEADSPAWN decided to record another demo which was unleashed as „The Second Coming“ via LOGOTRON music and again their musical achievement gained respect throughout the underground and the band played their first festival gig in Abtsgmünd, destroying the SUMMER BREEZE 2000. Unfortunately, the band split up in 2001 due to line up problems. Still, Dave and Guido wanted to express themselves by playing thrash influenced Death Metal and therefore they started to reenact DEADSPAWN in the beginning of 2003. They were joined by Daniel, formerly playing bass in STEELHEAD and Philip, who is also the vocalist of BLOODDAWN. Together they recorded their third demo „Slaughter Cattle“ which gained even more positive response, as reviews done by the Metalglory mag (9,5/10) or Vampster mag can tell.
In 2005 DEADSPAWN was finally ready to record their debut album, entiteled „Eradication“. After nearly 3 months of recording „Eradication“ turned out to be a huge success, receiving 7/10 from the German mags Rock Hard and or 4 out of 5 by the Blooddawn Mag. Again the band did a lot of gigs and after a while, the german label MUSICAZ signed the band and rereleased „Eradication“ worldwide. Unfortunately, there were again line up problems and Daniel had to be replaced by Matthias from GODFORSAKEN. But after some months Matthias left the band as well and it took the band a while to find a suitable replacement. Finally that replacement was found in Tim from RANKOR in the end of 2006.
In summer ’07 Philip left the band due to health poblems and was replaced by Gaus, who also does the singing job at ANTICHRIST and TOTAL WAR.
Together with Tim and Gaus DEADSPAWN will be ready to do new gigs and will hopefully record their second album as soon as possible.
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Member Since: 10/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Christian Gaus - Vocals
Guido Holstein - Guitars
Dave Dörrhöfer - Drums
Tim Jaholniczuk - Bass
Influences: All and nothing.

Sounds Like: Brutal Fucking Death Metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is neither about satan nor about this fucking pagan faggot shit! It`s about pussy!!!


Released at MUSICAZ RECORDS (10/2005)

ROCK-HARD 12/2005:„Der urwüchsige, düstere Death Metal von DEADSPAWN aus Mainz lebt ganz klar von den fetten, brutalen Rhythmen, die auch Bands wie Bolt Thrower auszeichnen.“ 7/10 Punkten

LEGACY 05/2005: „durchweg schnell und aggressiv, ordentlich produziert mit pumpenden Bässen, hämmernden Drums und Melodien, die gerade so viel Melodie wie nötig einbringen.“ 10/15 Punkte

BLOODDAWN.DE ONLINE MAGAZIN: „Wer es immer noch nicht verstanden hat, „Eradication“ packt eine der besten Old School Death Metal Keulen des laufendes Jahres aus und drischt damit präzise immer wieder auf die Glocke. 4 von 5 Punkten

VAMPSTER.COM ONLINE MAGAZIN: „Death Metal ist das Gebot, laut, verkommen und gemein. Kraftvoll, technisch und düster.“

METAL.DE ONLINE MAGAZIN: „Brutal, straight und heftig, immer voll in die Magengrube, ja geradezu prädestiniert zum gepflegten Matte-Schütteln, ist der Todesblei der Mainzer.“ 7 von 10 Punkten

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Record Label: Musicaz Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

wochendtour mit ARCANUM und SPIRITUAL DECAY

das wochenende mit ARCANUM und SPIRITUAL DECAY hat bei uns ein wenig gemischte gefühle hinterlassen. in der heimat nach fast 2 jahren bühnenabstinenz vor 55 zahlenden gästen zu spielen und dann noch ...
Posted by DEADSPAWN on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:44:00 PST

Wir Piefkes wünschen euch Zwockeln ja auch nur das Allerbeste!

...für die METALMANIA am 19.4. in Wien
Posted by DEADSPAWN on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:10:00 PST