RANKOR was founded 2004 by Dominic Maric, Emanuel Diehl and Tim Jaholniczuk.When the Band was completed by Micheal Dörr,their first Demo was recorded in summer..05. Since oktober..05 RANKOR performed a considerable number of concerts together with bands like:JAPANISCHE KAMPFHÖRSPIELE, OBSCURA, NEMO, DRAGONSFIRE, LOSTFOUNDLOST, DEMONIC SYMPHONY and many more.Unfortunately,in summer '07 Dominic left the band due to personal and musical differences.The remaining members tried to find a suitable predecessor and he was finally finally found in Sebastian Morath, who also does the singing job at MENAC.Further the Band decided, conditioned by sound and performance difficulties, to remain Emanuel beeing the only guitar player.Zakk...und der mittlerweile zu poppige Klassiker WICKED
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