Age of Aggression profile picture

Age of Aggression

About Me

You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !In spring 2002 Lara and Daniel (ex-Steelhead, ex-Deadspawn) decided to found a new old school Thrash Metal-band called Age of Aggression. For years they could not find suit musicians to complete the band, although a rehearsal room was found soon. The rehearses take place in Mainz-Mombach, Germany. After a long time of testing about 10 drummers and 15 guitarists they found Karsten Paschke (ex-Necrorgasm, ex-Karambole) for the job on the drums and Susanne Latz for shredding the guitar. With them it was possible to work seriously on the music. In the meantime the bassplayer of Demented, Christoph Mayer, joined Age of Aggression in order to drink beer and do some growling. As Lara and Mayer despise vocal-effects no effects are used in the vocal-sound. Since the band was completed, bassplayer Daniel Merz has been creating riffs and songs for Age of Aggression. When the structure of a song is done, the whole band arranges the song in the rehearsal room. In opposition to the plan of creating a Thrash-band, one could call the style of Age of Aggression Death Metal, because Mayer's deep vocals don't fit in the typical Thrash Metal-style. Moreover most of the songs are too difficult to play to be typical Thrash-songs. But all that does not matter, because the only thing that matters is that the songs have to be old school Metal in any way! In autumn 2006 the first demo-CD "Addicted To Metal" was recorded and released. After a few gigs Karsten left the band in summer 2007. As there were some more gigs already confirmed at that time, Matthias Rodig joined Age of Aggression as a session-drummer, so none of the gigs had to be cancelled. Months later, in winter 2008, Matthias decided to become a permanent member and Age of Aggression could go on playing live. In late 2008 it was decided that a few more songs should be recorded soon, but the band had to face the fact that Susanne didn't have enough motivation anymore to keep on going with the others. Once again a new musician had to be found. Finally the new guitarist, Thorsten Pfoh, joined Age of Aggression in april 2009. He does an excellent job and takes the band to a higher level of musical destruction. The second demo-CD will be finished as soon as Thorsten is ready to record the guitar parts.So let the hatred and beer flow to experience the bastardized mindfuck of our metallized chants when the Age of Aggression will arrive!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 07/12/2006
Band Members: Lara Nava (Vox), Christoph Mayer (Vox), Daniel Merz (Bass), Torsten Pfoh (Guitar), Matthias Rodig (Drums)
Influences: generally all Metal-bands which follow the old school ways of Metal.
Type of Label: Major

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