When I was young I knew everything. I traveled, I learned many things and I carried many titles. But I never really started to grow until the day I realized that I do not know everything. I thank God for that day and the revelation that He gave me. Since then, my life has never been the same.
Today, almost twenty years later, I am an independent business owner who loves to help others envision a dream and go after it. The many hats that I have worn over the years include - Firefighter, EMT, Presidential Candidate, Entrepreneur, Pioneer, Adventurer, Ballroom Dance Champion and more - but the most enjoyable and the most satisfying has been (and currently is) the honor to be called "Husband" and "Papa"! Also by far, the most challenging. Yet it is this challenge that I greatly meet each and every day. It is my prayer that more men (when faced with the challenge) will step up to the plate and accept that challenge with pride and honor. To never shirk from that duty and share that joy with those who give you that title.
It is because of them that I gladly go out and work - whether it is on my business, or creating my new business systems - just so I can be with them.
I am building my legacy with each moment I am able to spend with my family. Web Site Design and Internet Marketing is my business - however, my family is my blessing.
"The Strategy of Internet Visibility™As deeply devoted to my faith, wife and children - I am equally devoted to my businesses. I have been working as an independent entrepeneur since 1998 when my wife and I first started our business in Kienberg, Germany. It was entitled "CreationTGD.com" (the domain no longer exists). It was the name of our web design company - the TGD translated to "Translation, Grafik, Design".
In 2000 we moved back to the United States where we changed the name to CreationIS.com - CreationIS - Internet Services, and we settled here in Las Vegas, NV. Below are a couple of samples of our web site designs .
Custom Laptop Covers is a unique business with a big idea. Custom laptop skins. Specializing in personalized or corporatized, custom designed laptop covers - LidSkins™.
FirstTravelTours.com, Grand Canyon helicopter tours, Hoover Dam tours, Gold Mining Excursions, Grand Canyon Plane tours, Bus tours and much more. Just about every major mode of transportation is represented by this concierge style tour reservation company.
Visit our Web Site Design Gallery for more samples of our design work.
The above are just a couple of the web site designs that we have created for our clients.
One of our other ventures is working very closely with "CustomLaptopCoversHQLV.com". We have formed a strategic partnership with them to create all their graphics for their custom laptop cover designs. This gives us the opportunity to be able to offer Custom Laptop Covers to our clients as well. So, Pimp Your Your Laptop™ at CreationIS.com! Take a look at some of our samples and then just let your imagination run wild. You are Unique - Your Laptop Should be Too!™