J_Hype aka Qumps profile picture

J_Hype aka Qumps

The blue flame

About Me

From the age of 16 handeling the stages of alot of the big venuse in London (Ocean in Hackney, Millenium dome, Shepards bush empire West end venus, BBC1 music live, trust me much more) aspire to making this concept a number 1 that can bring in enough that aswell as giving to charity can help make alot of people happy and have enough to be more succsessfull in there creativities. I work amongst a stronge team of film/music enthusiasts who are very critcal when it comes to wanting to achive something big. I believe with the right promotion/artists this concept can be considered a succssesful work of art. Growing up in a society where alot of people often loose hope very quickly we tend to get drawn to whatever will remedy us from the couse, so we turn to drugs, sex, voilence etc but usualy having a positive attidude and sticking to somthing your really good at it will pay off in the long to make you look more beautifull. Imagin watching Ray Charles' or even The last king of scotland' both equally big names in terms of recodnition/publicity think of what made those films big. When watching any film what mainly draws you in is usualy (well obviosly through loads of publicty) Concept, the quality of what your looking at, contrast, layout, visual effects, sex and or other atractive elements like violence that many people aspire to. Through music/film I aim to inpower the way we feel about are people weather your English, American, Spanish from Afganishtan to Lebanin, China Germany, Australia to the currupt streets of most societies. Inpower culter, belief in setting your mind to thinking in a certain way anything is possible, and i strongly believe in that! A good percentage of the human form is made up of water, Water (as much as we take it for granted) remains pure and inocent but when manipulated in the wrong way can be turnt into sin somthing where all affected by (a discovery in listening to the track water on the ? album)

My Interests


Member Since: 7/9/2006
Band Website: comming soon!
Band Members: V.I.P

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

Sounds Like: somthing uv never heard!
Record Label: Ruff house entertainment inc
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


As a producer i like to think im a bit of a perfectionist where due i aspire to nothing but beauty! But what is beauty? Is it all things that are perfect? Is it a art form? or is it a gift to be used ...
Posted by J_Hype aka Qumps on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:04:00 PST

The materialistical woman...

She walks on a imaginary floor of gold that only she owns. She will be the first to eat at the table. She says the retail working woman isnt a lady. It goes on and on but what other way to descr...
Posted by J_Hype aka Qumps on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:54:00 PST


a sickness that man accumulates. I say this becouse its not somthing ur born with its somthing you accumulate over a period in time. It consciously/subconscious...
Posted by J_Hype aka Qumps on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:45:00 PST

The devil

I recogdize the devil cos i used to be the devil. devil // d-evil  evil doings. No one can change you but you.   Preece.  "Do the knowledge!...
Posted by J_Hype aka Qumps on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 10:35:00 PST

Are you the Red flame or the Blue flame?

The red flame can never over power the blue flame. In theory the red flame needs the blue flame to survive. It feeds on the blue flame.   Preece.  "Do the knowledge!   Blue : pure, posi...
Posted by J_Hype aka Qumps on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:20:00 PST

Pay know mind to the songs on my profile

(they are two years old) bin very busy in the studio and im not at all happy with what i have yet please bear with me (if a jobs worth doing it must be done well) no matter how long it takes/// il ha...
Posted by J_Hype aka Qumps on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:57:00 PST