tattooing,paintings,graphics,take photographs,virus arts,comics,low brow art,surrealism,nature,vegetarian cooking,design,contemporary arts(not all),history,politics...
Other tattooers,painters,musicians,artigians...and also like antichrist persons to share inspiration.
Anarcho punk,experimental electronic,noise,dark/new wave'80 underground scene and some classics,early industrial like Throbbing Gristle and all the descendants of Industrial Record.- C O I L -.All the subcultural sounds to wake up and fight the horrors of the mass-society . My music list becomes long day by day . My beautiful brother Michelangelo,he plays,love him.
W.Wenders movies,Richard Kern movies,Tsukamoto's(Tetsuo the first and the second,Tokio fist)Cronenberg movies,David Linch,Terry Gilliam,Stanley Kubrick...
Corrado Guzzanti
The book of Subgenius,Manuale di Cultura Industriale,Pasolini,and all the Subcultural stuffs,I can't mention all...
Zombies who eats bad and stupid people