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Devon L WilsonWas born in the Island of Jamaica:A Seventh Day Adventist ChristianSinger Song Writer,Author of Two books: The Sanctuary the open Door,and the Gospel Is Not Complicated. Why compromise the principles
of heaven for the pleasures of earth? I was willing to give up
Thousands of dollars in order not to compromise Gods
Sabbath: Refuse to work on Gods Holy Day for wicked men who will not honor God in their work. Where are the young Men and Women who will
Stand for God, though the earth is remove and the heavens
fall? Where are they, I may ask? It is sad to see how so many that grew up in the Church and sing for God in the Church, only to compromise the promise of eternal life for the temporal earth reckoning. What pays a better dividend, Earth or Heaven? Why are we failing to endure the cross as Christ did for us? I want to shout some love to all my young Friends, don't let the luxury of the world fooled you, don't let the pleasure of earth entice you, don' let your friends influence you, don't let fame encapsulate you: Romans 12:1-2 says: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds. Why does the bible says be not conformed to this world. Because the world is warring against the spirit of God through the evil one call the Dragon and Satan. Music is the gateway to the soul; hence Satan has used the application of music to prey upon the young minds. Today I want to informed the young minds, that there is hope, Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life. No man commeth unto the father but by me. Note: He also says; if anyone comes to Him He will in no wise cast out. So you great young singers, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. If your Music is not praising God.. Then you are praising someone else. And consider this, if someone dies for you! Don't you owed your life to that someone? Well hanging on a cross, Christ did die for you and me.Concerning the mental state of mankind, it is sad to see
so many selfish and self centered personality in this world.It is time for us to recreate the fabric of humanity void of self
and start caring for others. As it is said, Love thy neighbor
as thy self.In other words, stop letting society dictate to you that the only
important thing in this life is self. Use your God given faculties
and consider your position in life, we are here to serve others.As the song says, each one can reach one as we follow after
Christ we all can lead one. Note to every sinful act, at the core
of it, or at the very foundation is self. Ponder the thought.I hope my Music will point many souls to the cross of Christ
bringing about a transformation to the heart and lives. Christ mingled
With everyone, Even those that many of us Christians abhor. He was
a friend of every man, Hence I want to be a Friend of every man.
Nothing I abhor more than a legalistic self-righteous Christian.The beauty of Salvation is we are all save legally by the Precious Blood of Jesus
But" Not all will be saved. Christ as our Savior came to save sinners not saints. The human response is to appreciate the Gift of his Sacrifice. It is call faith in what He accomplish on his cross.As it is said, we are saved by grace through the faith it is not of your own it is a Gift of God. Hence the Faith of Jesus saves us. Revelation says.. Here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandment of God and have the faith of Jesus. It's called the Good news of the Gospel.One of the greatest Prophecies of all times is found in the Book of Luke the 21st Chapter. Reading from verses 7-36. Today I want to let you know that Most of these things have been fulfilled; yet men and women act as if there is no Redemption or there is no Damnation. But, Luke 21:25 clearly states "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. Verses 26, men heart failing them for fear, and for looking after those things, which are coming on the earth: For the power of heaven be shaken.Let me state this, without contradiction: The Dark Ages are now past, and great events begin to take center stage on earth.
The greatest earthquake on record startled the entire civilized world on the morning of All Soul's Day, November 1, 1755. It centered at Lisbon, Portugal, and extended over almost Europe and North Africa. Nearly 30,000 people were killed in six minutes.
Many people at once understood this event as the fulfillment of this prophecy. Recent scientific writers say: "The destruction of Lisbon in A.D. 1755 was a disaster which had a profound effect on European through out the latter part of the eighteenth century. Voltaire was. Reeling from the mental shock of the news from Lisbon... Goethe, who was six years old at the time, remembered later how the "demon of fright" spread across the world.The next great event followed a few years later. On May 19, 1780, occurred what is known as the Great Dark Day. Many people also recognized this immediately as the specific fulfillment of this prophecy. The strange darkness in New England was understood as not caused by an eclipse, because the moon was full that night. About noon of that day, the people had to bring in candles. The cows came home from the pasture, the chickens went to roost, and the birds fell silent. It was said to be the greatest darkness since the children of Israel left Egypt. This terrible omen continued until one o'clock next morning, when the moon appeared red as blood. Multitudes of Christians immediately saw these events as the fulfillment of the sixth seal.Then, on November 13, 1833, "the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as the fig tree drops its late figs." Never, before or since, has such a sight been seen. An eyewitness reported: 'The falling stars did not come, as if from several trees shaken, but from one, those appeared in the East fell toward the East; those appeared in the North fell toward the North; those which appeared in the South (for I went out of my residence into the park) fell toward the South; and they fell not as ripe fruit falls. Far from it. But they flew, they were cast like the unripe fruit, which at first Refuse to leave the branch ... thrown with more or less force.So it was that these three remarkable signs in the heavens followed each other, all within one person's lifetime.Today if you hear His voice, Harden not your heart. Christ is about to come, we as Christian must give the trumpet a certain sound. He demonstrated His love in Romans 5:8. Think on these things.It is Sad that today our modern world has become a Sodom. The Internet has become a conduit for sick callous dirty-minded people. I would advice parents to make sure they know what their children are doing online.I am sick and tired of listening to the news about grown men seeking out young boys for sexual favors. This is the world we are living in today.The Bible declares that Satan has encapsulate the mind of many, But where sin abound grace does much more abound. We need the Power of the Gospel to saturate the heart and minds of this ungodly world.Paul in Romans 1:16 Spoke these wonderful words. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the Power of God unto salvation to the Jew first then the Greek. So If the Gospel equals power, and the word of God is the Gospel, why so many sick minded people walk around today?The scoffers will say, there is no God, Just like you have some blacks join in with Darwin’s theory of Evolution. Note if you do your research Blacks: In 1889 your friend Darwin in his theses said blacks were not all together humans.Nevertheless later in his years while on his death bed, He wrote a letter to one of his close friend, and he confess to his friend: He said, when I look at the eye {EYE) I now know Evolution could never be possible.Friends pray for those young kids that are being preyed upon by sick men and women. Asked God to give Mothers and Fathers the cognizant attribute to know what their kids are doing online. Leave nothing to Chance; we must stop those that destroy the fabric of humanity.I don't gives a rats tail what your rights are, your rights is to keep your dirty behavior to yourself. If God destroy Sodom, because of such a sin, why do you think such behavior should be tolerable in today’s society? I do not blame my space for the behavior of sick-minded people.I say parents, instead of working twenty jobs and letting the computer baby sit your kids, start living in the confine of your means. Learn how to give your precious time to your children, pay close attention to there behavior, if they are not getting the attention at home, they will seek it in other places.My Next book that I will write when I find the time. Is what Parents don't know about their young Girls that go off to college? From early investigations, 75% of those young ladies are dancing in Strip clubs, Letting old grown tone men touching their bodies, as if they are sex object of society.
Makes me sick to my stomach.We need some accountability in this society, I was watching the news and saw the sick useless Congress as they normally do, was ready to point fingers at My Space for the sick Minded man from NY with his dirty behavior. Look what Congress has done, When I was growing up as a kid, My parents did not have to asked City Hall permission to whoop my black behind, they do it at will, and I thank God they did, cause it works. It teaches me what it means to respect my elderly, those that are young, and those that are in authority. I understand there are those that abuse anything that is good.But there are too many of our kids grouping around in foster homes. Someone needs to be accountable for all this foolishness. Where is the parent? I ask where are the fathers? Where are the mothers? Where are you churches and Pastors? Where are our Communities? Where are those Loving old Ladies and old Men that would call you aside and give you some wisdom that can only be found in the gray hair? Carest thou not that your kids perish? Lord come quickly, I am sick of this world, there is nothing here for me to hold unto. I am just so tired of it.The funny thing about this life, there are so many self-help books around today. I don't know why so many are sitting on bookshelves. God has given us His Book, the Principles are clear, the Foundations are laid, The Wisdom points to Psalm 121. Psalm 120,... and Psalm 124.. I was only pointing you to the Living water: Read the whole Book. Both Witnesses are Irrefutable. The Old and the New Testament are the Two Witnesses of God. Read it, and you will find life, and have it more abundantly.
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