multidimensional synaptic constructs of delusion become me...
open your perceptive awareness and you will see...
i am the universe seen from one point of view...
look into these tainted eyes and see in them a reflection of you.
judas [2006]
my name is glen, judas is my artist pseudonym... i am a passionate 33 year old male... i am a philosopher, a lover, an artist, a musician, a writer, a photographer, a podcast producer/video editor... i am pretty much good at whatever i like! i am a complete egotist with the mind to back it up!
this is my space and i am here to be totally uncensored and brutally honest...
i am very passionate about the people in my life i love and have loyalty to... i would probably be considered obsessively dedicated to my causes...
most of my life has been spent in introspection and disillusionment... i have dissected every religious and moralistic belief i have come across and have eventually come to the tentative and temporal conclusion that this is a planet of people who do not wish to see reality (if they can avoid it)...
i do love humanity! but i hate people! i know, it’s a paradox, but this is what i offer...
i believe in personal, sexual, philisophical and logical freedom... the freedom to be who you are with true tolerance... as for being able to accept all forms of thought, well i’m a hypocrite and a bastard...
a few pieces of my art to check out:
my main collection of art... slideshow style...
this will be a continually developing site and this description and what i represent will be updated in kind... if you find it interesting, then keep tuning in, it only gets more interesting as time passes...
just a note, unless otherwise obvious, i am the artist of all images, songs and animations on this page... i love this chance to show some skill and make an impression... hope you are enjoying it!
Favorite Websites:
my site:
my "myspace" music site:
A nice little piece a friend of mine found when doing an image search for "Root of All Evil" for our movie night! Sweet!
Strivedreams | Thoughtcrime | The Frehouse
Apple Computer
The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension
Cone Gallery
more to come...