Autumn's Furbabies profile picture

Autumn's Furbabies

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
Check the cool ferret videos in our video area!
Hi, My name is Boo Boo, and I was the second ferret to join my mommy's family. The first was my sister, Pixie, and then came my sister Peanut, who's at the Rainbow Bridge now. Then finally..came my brother Tocho Pimne (we just call him Tocho)...and more recently... Milo and Maui.
Mommy found Pixie and I at a pet store in St. Paul Minnesota and took us home to live with her. We stayed in Minnesota for a little while, but then we moved to Mobile, AL, which is down south where my mommy is used to living. We don't get all the fun snow there, but that's okay because I don't like snow like my sister Pixie does.
Tocho, Milo, and Maui.. they've never seen snow, but I think they would probably get a kick out of messing around in that chilly stuff. ;) Either way, snow or no snow, we're all about 'the happy' here. ;)
Mommy says I'm spoiled. She's right. We're all spoiled here. ;)
In Memory of Peanut
Our little sister

We really miss you.
Sweet little Sexy-Fuzz Boo Boo
We love these guys! Our favorite songs so far are "The World" and "No Easy Lies."

My Interests

We like Bandits treats, exploring, sleeping in fun places, finding cool things to stash, like cell phones, remote controls, socks, wallets, shiny things.

I like the taste of bananas, but mommy says it's not good for us, so I don't get much of that. Pixie & Tocho hate it..

I'd like to meet:

Tod, cuz he luvs woozels, Jez (Dust), cuz he loves woozels, Ophelia, cuz she's a good friend of Jez's and looks like a super cool chick. Anyone who's willing to give us Bandits' treats, blanket rides, and let us snooze in their shirt drawer when we're sleepy.


Mommy likes cool Goth music, alternative, techo, ambient, and some we like that too.On Beyond, Theatre of Tragedy, Faith & the Muse, Dust, The Damned, Cocteau Twins, Djilia Phralengo, Ether Aura...We'll list more when we have time.


Scary ones. We don't think they're scary, but they do make funny noises and flashing lights in the room.


Mommy has one. I (Boo Boo) once jumped at the tv when I was a baby. I missed.


We like to climb in them, and sometimes the little ones we can steal and take under the bed.


Mommy, Todd, Jez (DUST), and Mikey.

My Blog

We have a new brudder & sister!!! Milo & Maui!

Autumn here.....This is Milo and Maui, my new furbabies! :D  They're previous mum & dad couldn't keep up with them and had limited knowledge about ferrets.  And... they recently learned ...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:49:00 PST

Something exciting is happening! FerretHelp! :D

Okay, so some of you may have seen the bulletin, BUT... bulletins tend to go away or get buried quickly.  So.. since this is important....Hi friends!... Tocho here: I know we've not said proper ...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 03:01:00 PST

What ferrets want from their owners :important!

Funny how there isn't a category in blogs for "Family."  Our mommy says we are family, and that she uses the term "pet" loosely.  We are a part of her life, her everyday life.When she leaves...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:25:00 PST

Tocho's Winter Coat

Tocho's Winter coat....
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:00:00 PST

No fuzzies were harmed : Fuzzy Hollow

Hi everyone!  Tocho here....For the record, no fuzzies were harmed in the making of Fuzzy Hollow!  I do my own stunts, meaning no stunt-doubles or special effects, no trick photography, no p...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 01:08:00 PST

New pics of us! hehe

So here's a few new pics of us... hehe....Tocho (aka "Tocho Bug" as mommy sometimes calls him)Tocho & Pixie (Pixie totally owns everyone!)Tocho (yes, he is a total HAM)Our canine sister, JulepWho ...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 02:56:00 PST

Pets, family, and horrid backyard breeders

Meet our Basset Hound sisters, Josie & Julep.About Josie:  Mommy adopted Josie shortly after hurricane Ivan from the local animal shelter.. she was about 2-3 years old.  Josie had ear in...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 01:41:00 PST

Shelter Pets!!! Please read!!

We thought this was important enough to post here....Spread the word, because this is very important (please read what's at the bottom of our addition). So many little ones need a good, decent, safe ...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 03:16:00 PST

"I'm too sexy for my fuzz...." Boo Boo's story

...according to us anyway. ;)Hi, this is Tocho, and I'm going to tell you about my brother Boo Boo and his story, and why our mommy put the "I'm too sexy..." song on our page, AND included her own ver...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:37:00 PST

Our first blog! Weeeee!

Our first blog.  What's a woozel to do?  Hard to type, so mom's helping us out.So what's a blog?  What do we do?  What do we say?*dook**dook*Time to play!...
Posted by Autumn's Furbabies on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 09:32:00 PST