Modeling, traveling, reading, meeting good people, trying new foods, shopping, and networking.
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R&B, Hip Hop, Actually, if it moves me in the ipod it goes.
The Best Man, Cooley High, Love Jones, X-Men 1,2 and 3
This profile was tweaked at MyspaceGeeks.comI don't do too much Television
I'd like to invite you all to try out a new service I joined. You can connect with my friends, invite yours, post listings, and join groups. It's called UVIEWNET.COM. UVN is a COMMUNITY POWERED BROADBAND TELEVISION. Post your picture, music, win an opportunity to appear in a music video, or a new film or television show. It's all possible at UVN. It's fun, it's easy, and it's addictive -- because it works. Let me know what you think.To check it out, click the Web link below. (If this link doesn't work, copy it into your browser.)
The Art of Meditation, Purple COW - Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable, Trump - The Way to the Top, Trump - The Art of the Deal, Chiefs, Mind Hunters