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About Me

I started out in the enteratainment business managing a group called the U.M.C.'s (check the old school video on the side). I believe that was in 87'. While working that project I met Dave (Funkenklein). Funkenklein, liked what I was doing with the U.M.C.'s, so he introduced me to D.J. Red Alert. Red Alert was the first D.J. to show me love on the record. He would play it on his show, the response was hot! From that the U.M.C.'s ended up signing to Wild Pitch Records. I went on to work with Red and Funkenklein at Red Alert Productions where we managed the careers or Queen Latifah, Tribe Called Quest, Black Sheep etc.In 91' I went on to do A&R for HOLLYWOOD RECORDS (Organized Konfusion, Raw Fusion, Lion King Soundtrack, South Central Soundtrack) and PRIORITY RECORDS (Ras Kas, Mack 10, Friday Soundtrack, etc). In 98' formed Relentless Ent. along with exec./producer Charlie B. We worked with Short Chop, did a deal with Dr. Dre for a R&B group (Who's Who), and did a record with a group called YOUNGSTOWN, and with them we did the theme song for the movie "INSPECTOR GADGET". Moved on to create NEWTIME ENT, along with Dubbs Wilson where we managed producer Big D, and artist Shaffer Smith (NeYo).Today I'm looking for the next big superstar vocalists (solo or group), producer, songwriters. If that's you holla...
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My Interests

Traveling, music, meeting good people, doing GREAT business, overall enjoy life with family and friends.As for business I'm looking for hot new song writers, and vocalist. I also represent a couple models. Stop by and check out Irene (see my top ?), and also take a look at Irene's Solo Models Creative SHOCK-G ROCKING THE MIC! RED MAN. AND MONEY-B. FAMILY SHOT. D-HEFF MONEY-B CLEETIS MACK!

I'd like to meet:

Hot song writers, new talented producers looking for a break, the best of the best vocalists (male, female, solo, group)

Cool Slideshows


Stop by and check out new artist Von Sway

Rap, R&B, Pop, some Rock.... Here are a couple of my favorite projects I've worked on and artists I've worked with.
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Not much...


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