Here at Aloud, we go the extra mile to make sure you don't miss out on the sweetest shows this side of the Atlantic. Why search the web for info when you can get it all here, wrapped swiftly in a bundle just for you. While live music is our pulse, we also have extensive listings and tickets available for West End Theatre, comedy gigs, and exhibitions. We're all about diversity. A grab bag of wicked shite to do, if you will...And when you find time in between rockin' out at shows, head to our sister site for the Aloud Gig Guide for listings, tour news as it happens, videos, reviews and interviews. Tell us about a cool gig to go to in the Users Recommend section, and win a phone in our gig photo competition!
You can also check out our editor's gig goers blog ; read James Hickie's take on shows, submit your own reviews of gigs and leave comments for us, about us, and with love to us. We're shamelessy self-involved.