[Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 profile picture

[Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3

You turn my floppy disk into a hard drive...uhhhh sorry?

About Me

I'm Jess. Although these days I'm starting to prefer Jessica. Ugly people repulse me... sorry.
I'm reeeaaaallly vain
always have been.
Get over it.
I am in love with noel fielding, Audrey Kitching, Russel Brand, Craig Charles, Hayley Williams, Hannah Murray and myself.
I'm in college...studying IT. I love it.
I'm very opinionated. I hate liars. I hate men. I hate women. I hate peole who think they own the world. I hate plastics. I hate common people. I hate nobodies. I hate bad parents, or those who believe that single parents are bad parents. I hate naiive little girls who let their boyfriends get away with murder. I hate people who don't appreciate their lives...I would be Jigsaw if I was guaranteed not to get sent to prison. I hate people that judge me...what you have heard is almost definately a lie...although I'm the first to admit I have made a lot of mistakes. I hate bullshit. I hate stirrers. I hate skinny people...(althogh thats called jelousy. haha.) I hate BMTH, don't get me started on that idiot Oliver Sykes.
I find it hard to forgive, and i wont forget. Although I'll be nice to you untill you push things that tad too far.
However, I'm actually very... optimistic...
You may find out the real me if I let you in.
KFC is the key to my heart.
or a mutual love for sonic and pokemon. Thanks.

My Interests


I live for this girl.

Two seconds... now that is impressive =P

We have the best bitching sessions
Knows me better than I know myself

There are also a certain 4 boys, that never cease to amaze me... they make everyday in college amazing 3

My Blog


Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 05:50:00 PST

Bulletins are down so il write a blog =]

Betrayal is a bitch to be fair.I'ts sad that not one person will go through life and not be betrayed by someone that they thought was a friend.people these days have no morals.The worst is those that ...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:52:00 PST


me tara john and randall   out in t'car 2am ish and the damn police drive past we all know we r gna get stopped then they stop us and ask tara to get out the car of course, i have to start giving...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 03:31:00 PST

the SPAR is on fire

so the spar was lyk on fire and me n tara run into KFC screaming 'the spar is on fire' but reali it was the smoke screen lol   the fireman thought he was solid coz he shined a torch in ou r faces...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 03:55:00 PST


Ian made me giggle t'other day tbf Ian: i'm more of a cat than a dog person Jess: GAY Ian: nah just imagine the biggest dog in the world fighting a tiger.      hehe then he sed that hy...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:17:00 PST

cat death! (well kinda)

so today was eventful!!   tara picked me u from work, and we just about managed to get enuf money for a flange each!! haha   on the way to kwikz we nearly ran over a cat, it was well scary.&...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 06:09:00 PST

countdown to Christmas yo!

..http://www.pyzam.com/">.. border="0" src=" allowScriptAccess="never"src="http://www.pyzamflash.com/apps /xmasdown.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="000000" width="350" height="100" align="middle" type="ap...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 05:53:00 PST

blog much?

so tara picked me up from work 2day, n we listened 2 our tunes n raved at asda again lol then we parked in kwiks n turned up the tunes laaaa!! so all the nob head chavs cud hear!! hehe then they start...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 04:11:00 PST


TARA   she is my little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, she loves me, almost as much as i love her she makes me smile when i'm feeling sad sne is ginger, but still sexy she makes me laugh and cr...
Posted by [Jessica] The Jazz Fairy <3 on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:57:00 PST