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Sabrina Samone

T Muse

About Me

Ok,let's see if I can make this more professional now that I have a slight buzz,lmao. Mmmm 'about me',well I was born in New Orleans, LA to the greatest mother ever lived. Yea Yea everyone says that, but mygrandma and mom are the best. Thankful in my life I've had the best teachers ever. I was born multiracial from bi racial parents, they tell me I'm pre op transexual, I study Kabblah,try to speak correct english, a little anal at times,but over all a good girl at heart.Proud of my family and our diversity it has help me not judge people by the outside but as Martin Luther King said, " by the Content of their character".I was raised in Hartsville, SC, which I consider one of the best places I've ever known.The realest peeps ever. I'm a writer and actress,so I'm always intrested in someone with that rare trans role to offer. I've appeared in 22 stage productions since the age of 9 ,NOW two indi film credits. AND NOOOOOOO IM NOT TALKING PORN,LOL. My first a L.A. hip hop film "The beat", in which I stood on a corner and yelled"let's party baby"lol and in 07 I found myself with the honor of working with a very supportive and talented NYC production company in the film "Between Love and Goodbye" dir by Casper Andreas, with a slightly larger role and several scences and do out in Spring of 08. Also spent nearly ten year performing through out the south as a gender illusionist in clubs,now retired from that 3 years now,but I still hadn't had my "Comeback",lol so watch out girls I may be back soon,lol. Current projects include, continued work on my novel "world Primiere" auditions in LA for future film work. One in particular would be a dream tgirl role so everyone pray pray pray, :)lol. I studied drama at the University of South Carolina, but also a jack of many trades to pay the bills including nursing and make up artist. I appreciate art and creative minds, traveling and hold my family and friends very close to my heart.Many intrest; psychology,human sexuality,statistics, history,kabbalah, and paganism.I'm very liberal and enjoy the company of open minded free spirited people. Very little use for bigotry or people who define and limit themselves and others because of race,wealth,education,religion,gender or politics. We are all so much more and untied souls on a journey to potentially unlimited excellence. Let's not stand in each others way.Each person you pass, you smile upon, or come into your life has brought with them gifts of life for you to learn, sometimes even if its what not to do. I believe it's not what you do but how you do things and as Ann Frank said "Despite the evil men do, there is good in everyone." If you'd like to know more about me, please take the time to ask not assume Regardless thank you for stopping by and check back for updates of my upcoming novel, new website for my new TS production company, and my relocation to Florida.CAN I PAT MYSELF ON THE BACK HERE: I give what I get. Brutally honest( you want someone to bullshit you, then you may not want me as a friend). Loyal. Very liberal. I don't ask the world not to judge or criticize me then do the opposite by judging and condeming others. One life here. I wanna live mine without limits and I don't try to limit the joy of others. Kind, but don't take my kindness as a sign of weakness. I guess I look pretty nice,(rather look like my idol Halle Berry,lmao lol) but.... would rather be liked for the kind funny person I am inside. Looks can fade like fair wheathered friends, but as in a real friendship, the love for the inside last an enternity.CAN I RANT HERE I am a transexual, not a sex toy,(but do like it,lol) a prop, or a science project. I am human, I love, I bleed, I cry, I laugh, I desire. Treat me with the respect you'd ask for yourslef. I am multiracial, I don't have to choose one part of me over another so that you can place me in a tiny box, seal me up, place me on a shelf, so you can feel comfortable with yourself. Except all of me or none of me. I hate when someone says Im not black enough, latin enough. Just trying to be me is freaking enough lol. Take it or leave it. I hate being placed in a box. Hate labels. Bored with republicans,& conservative moralist who point and damn the souls of millions now that they "think" they no longer sin. And to this republican controled society, let me live my life. And What ever happened to individuality in this country. Why can't there be a 200 pound 50 year old beautiful woman on the cover of cosmo, there are more beautiful people in the world than just on the magazines we buy, so don't buy the hype,lol Anywho those are my rants,hope noone takes offense, but since it's suppose to be the 'about me' and if you want to be a friend, I'd hope you'll take the time to read and care to know 'me',again thanks for stopping by and a million kisses always. And if no one told you today, thanks for being YOU. Kisses
?So.... basically....?
Name?: Sabrina Anna Samone deVaughn (Lamia,Chastity)
Age?: 30
Sex?: transgendered female
Eye Color?: blk opal
Hair Color?: black/brown
Weight/Height?: 150 5 '10
Birthday?: 3 12 77 A 3 thousand yr old soul
Birthplace?: New Orleans
Parents?: Dorothy/Carlos/Derris
Siblings??: Renee'/Cindy/Derris
RIghty or Lefty?: actually both
?This or That?
Chocolate or Vanilla?: I like to swirl them together
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke if i have to choose but i mainly drink water or tea
Love or Money?: In a perfect world love but we know its not
Music or T.V?: music
Mom or Dad?: Mom
Day or Night?: Night
Rain or Sunshine?: Rain
Light or Dark?: Dark
Kiss or Hug?: Hug
Hot Chocolate or Coffee?: Neither
Food?: seafood
Sport?: Tennis/Nascar/sailing
Clothes Brand?: Gap
Animal?: I have a cat name Lucky Anna Santangelo, she's my baby
Movie?: Eve's Bayou/Gone with the wind/There eyes were watching God/and Eye of the Beholder is probably my favorite of all.
Restaurant?: anything with seafood
T.V. Show?: ugly betty/all my children
Color?: lavender
Band?: Nina Simone/Eurythmics/Mariah Carey/Placebo
Song?: Home by Stepanie Mills has to be my favorite of all
?Top 10 Things You Love?
1.): God/Posiden
2.): The Family/td
3.): Ocean
4.): Friends
5.): My cat Lucky
6.): Acting
7.): Traveling
8.): Wrtiting
9.): Art/ painting / photography
10.): Spirtual and human sexuality studies
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Halle Berry
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My Blog

Philosophy of the realness(peom/short story trilogy by SS)The beinging

PHILOSOPHY OF THE REALNESS   Sitting among some of those, modernized, I want to belong to something types, who call themselves today, Wicca's . They're going to evoke the truth. I chuckle insi...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Sun, 18 May 2008 02:44:00 PST

Posted by Sabrina Samone on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 08:54:00 PST

Favorite poem by John Keats

Upon a time, before the faery broodsDrove Nymph and Satyr from the prosperous woods,Before King Oberon's bright diadem,Sceptre, and mantle, clasp'd with dewy gem,Frighted away the Dryads and the Fauns...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:48:00 PST

The Big Picture, by Yehuda Berg

A core lesson of Kabbalah, i recieve from the center weekly thought Id share this with the world of Friends hope it helps,love always     ..> ..> ..> While conventional religion ...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 03:50:00 PST

My Director: Casper Andreas films

Here are some other films of  my director in Between Love and Goodbye" prior work check out these links and don't forget friends to check out Between Love and Goodbye and see me in all my glory. ...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:40:00 PST


Omg guys, the first day of shooting was so kewl. After a hectic flight back to New York I only had time to go to sleep and get up early for makeup, so I had no time to be nervous, it hit at 8am,l...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:30:00 PST


Posted by Sabrina Samone on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 02:30:00 PST

Hymn of Posiden (Homer)

XXII. TO POSEIDON (7 lines) (ll. 1-5) I begin to sing about Poseidon, the great god, mover ofthe earth and fruitless sea, god of the deep who is also lord ofHelicon and wide Aegae.  A two-fold of...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:52:00 PST

THE OLD WOMAN (for the men that claimed to ever love me)

The sea crawls from the shore leaving there the  despicable weed a corpse's hair. in me, the desolate withdrawing sea. The old woman of beare am i who once was beautiful. Now all I know is how t...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 04:54:00 PST


     I havn't seen the top of kilimanjero or explored the tombs of Cairo. Would love to see the view from the Effiel tower, it's sure to be better than the city view from my shower...
Posted by Sabrina Samone on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:01:00 PST