Back a few years, there was this kid named Kyle who made a dramatic change in his life. You see, he was trapped in the ear-abusing, jersey-wearing lifestyle of rap and crap like that.
After leeching onto Eminem for the real-life lyrics and the violence fetish Kyle held inside, he made a life changing, much needed (and therefor universe balancing) switch and became addicted to good ol' hard rock like never before.
Years of hearing Manson, Mudvayne, KoRn and other greats finally sank beneath the skin! Although unknown to the world at the time, Hardcore Kyle was born!
Following a few years of hocking his crap CDs and buying, burning, or just downloading endless hard rock and metal, Hardcore Kyle (still in hiding) met a few people in FM radio and was hooked immediately.
Spending many months glued to the FM radio week after week for what was locally known as the self-proclaimed "Best Show On The Planet!", there were some host changes. One of the co-hosts made his way, with his wife, to British Columbia.
Having another friend within the station, as well as knowing the owners and program directors, Kyle was indicted into a slight interviewing process, putting he and another guy on-air to see whom fit the show better. With a short stint of a few shows, Hardcore Kyle's radio craving only got stronger.
Sadly, after a few months of slow decisions, the host of the show went his own way, and Kyle's friend was indicted as the new host, along with a corporate decision to keep it a one man show.
Downtrodden, Kyle went in search of another radio route. Contemplating a 2 year radio broadcasting career, Kyle turned it down from one of the best colleges for radio in the area. It just wasn't the right time for school.
With the underlying craving covered for almost 2 years, Kyle found himself on MySpace one day, reading a bulletin from the infamous Sanaz telling of the wonders of online radio. Quite intrigued with his radio history, Kyle looked into it, seeking a reasonable replacement for the unheavy, rappy, poppy bullshit he found on FM radio.
Online Radio blew his expectations out of the water delivering SO much more than he expected.
Out of the corner of his eye, Kyle noticed the "Join Us" link and excitedly applied.
About a month or so later, he was accepted and therefor created the Hardcore Kyle you now know.
With what's Heavy, Hard, or.. ANYTHING that Rocks, I am here to rock your face off and make your ears bleed with whatever YOU want.
Get me on Yahoo (YIM) @ hardcore.kyle
or get me on AOL (AIM) @ hardcorekyl
or even Skype @ hardcorekyle
Hardcore Kyle. Rockin' it Loud and Proud from Canada on Dark Cloud Radio!