As the classic wrote, 'It is in Music... supernal Beauty" - so what makes me live and die, breathe and sacrifice numerous things to it is music, music and some more music! This is the crucial element that determines every other aspect of my life. That's why I'm living and bleeding for doing my best at 'TARGETing' and 'HAMMERing' your heads. Also the range of my interests includes photography, creative madness, reading, writing, thinking, travelling, visiting numerous gigs, backstage diving, getting headless - and that's all because of music!
Quorthon, Chuck Schuldiner, Dimebag Darrell among the others... and considering the living people - anyone thoughtful and creative. Anyone who lists a word "thinking" among his hobbies and dares to be individual.
Every rock and metal act that's creative enough to be different
The Rainman, The Silence Of The Lambs, Knocking On Heaven's Door, Easy Rider, The Crow, Thelma And Louise, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Requiem For A Dream
only when it's switched off - I can't stand this flashing screen!!! If it happens that I have a single free minute, there's always a lot of much more interesting and pleasant ways to kill my time.
Every thought-provoking piece of literature. Historical books, especially those dedicated to ancient dark beliefs and traditions. Also some fiction books, to name a few authors - George Orwell, Edgar Allan Poe, Howard P. Lovecraft, Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Anton S. LaVey, Charles Bukowski, William Golding, Anthony Burgess, Yukio Mishima, Iain Banks, Neil Gaiman and many others. And of course music biographies
By creating heroes you destroy yourself. There are the people I sincerely respect, but they're not my heroes, or gods, or whatever. And being one of 6 or 7 billion centers of this world, I'm the only real hero for myself - because I'm the only one whom I can see in every shattering detail - and enthrone or desecrate, it depends.