Music...Martial styls of art. I like to read a lot. Check out my friend's website...
I would like to meet John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Sean Lennon, Zak Starr, Pope John Paul II, Jesus, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Bruce Lee, my Great Grandparents, the whole Gracie family, JERRY FERRARA (if I could, I'd marry him, but he's probably already taken or with some really hot gal), BJ Penn (I'd marry him too, but probably the same thing)... There are many more I would like to meet. Unfortunately I can't remember them all at the same time.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Hip Hop, Metal, Classic, let's just say EVERY KIND OF MUSIC!!!!!!
I like the good kind...whatever that means and entails.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!! I have also just started geting into Law and Order: SVU and CI. They are good shows! Ultimate Fighter and UFC is always fun...can't forget Figbt Girls! Um...let's see...I also watch Dexter, Weeds and Entourage. I used to wath the Soprano's but I've seen every episode at least 10 times each. There are some other shows, but I just can't remember...
Currently, I am reading: Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?, The Case for Faith, The Case for Christ, The Purpose Driven Life, The Bible, Youth Ministry Ideas for the 21st Century
John Lennon and Kyra Gracie...and my Kung Fu Sifu...BJ Penn! On a more serious note, I have a lot of heroes...there are just too many to mention.