(My birthday gift from monkey)_____________________Hot rods, Kustoms, Kustom Kulture. I'M A FORD GIRL, LIKE IT OR NOT. But I dont' descriminate. I love the smell of running rich and burning rubber. rock and roll, living fast, driving fast, good beer, red wine, Jack & Coke!!!
Going to baseball games. affection, horsepower, detroit steele, primer. for some reason the smell of a man after he's been working on his car all day. I love snowboarding, and riding my beach cruiser(SHE NEEDS SOME LOVE). Taking risks! People who can pull off real cowboy hats and have a license to carry a concealed weapon.
Always open to new experiences and I'm not talking about some of the kinky shit some of these internet freaks would think I'm inferring. I like to learn something new every day and broaden my horizons. I love to go dancing, to all types of music. Somtimes you cant pull me off the dance floor. I like to go to my river house any time of the year. traveling is something I just start doing and I would really like to have the money to do more of it , so if you feel like donating that would be AWESOME! Oh yeah I LOVE BOWLING.
I love to eat and cook. Going out for sushi and plum wine. Dinner dates with my friends (esp. when we dress up).
I'm all across the board. There's really no way to classify me and I like it that way.
I'm a river rat
Dont bother me if you're just lurking chicks you found while "searching" myspace. I'm not here not make "small talk" with randoms I have nothing in common or I dont know you through a mutual friend. If you dont heed this warning more than likely I'll send you a not so nice message back.
________________________________READ THIS FIRST BEFORE YOU MESSAGE ME! I'm not here to win a F*ing popularity contest, or have 10,000 people on my list who I never talk to. I'm using this page to get in contact with Photographers, hair stylists, clothing lines, bands, and other fun stuff.I'M ON HIATUS FROM SHOOTING INDEFENATLY. Besides the "friends" I already have on here, I'm not looking to add more people who want to "meet & hang out" unless you are a friend of a friend or I contact you first. If you really do know me then I'll add you. I know that makes me sound like a complete bitch but if you read half the messages I get on a daily basis you would understand where I'm coming from. Think about what you're going to say before you send the message . Would you want someone sending that to your lil sister or your girlfriend? I dont want to be just another face on your list so you can show off how many friends or girls you have on your list. Oh yeah and I wont have random sex w/ anyone off of here so DONT offer.the Dali Lama. Mr. BUbbles.Photographers,stylists, make-up artists, costume/fashion designers. I would really like to do more work and I will work for trade. I have a lot of great ideas and as well i'm very open to other ideas and styles as well. I would love to have a very broad portfolio. I WILL NOT DO PORN OR ANYTHING SIMILAR SO DONT ASK!____________________________________________________Anyo
ne who wants to go dancing (two-step, est/west coast swing). Anyone who is into camping, hunting, shooting, goofing around, and just all around tom foolery. Like-minded females as friends!Friends who enjoy going to ball games as much as I do. Friends who will hold my shoes when i get drunk and decide to walk around barefoot. Real men who arent afraid to compliment a woman or show her affection in front of their friends. Friends who will defend my honor Because I would do the same for them. chivalry is always good . Open my gosh darn door!!! kisses on my neck and holding my waist.. stuff like that. Oh yeah will someone please take me to the shooting range...PLEASE! Members of the NRA. People who have the same interests that I do. I'M NOT LOOKING FOR A BOYFRIEND ON HERE OR ANY OTHER "EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES" if you know what I mean.JUST DONT MAKE ME MAD
I like anything that is not played on the top 40's stations. I was raised to appreciate all types of music. Honky tonk, rock , blues,jazz. punk, southern rock, hip hop, dance hall, Metal, country. flaminco/jazz fusion, spanish guitar (i.e..Hatebreed, Slipknot, Lars & the Bastards, Rancid, Dropkick, Transplants, Mr. Cliff Greenwood, Hit By a Semi, HANK WILLIAMS JR. & SR., Buck Owens)..... I'll add more later Keith Urban Concert
High Fidelity, old school, lilo and stitch, better off dead, run lola run, reservoir dogs, Bad Santa, Big fish, old Elvis movies, Film Noir, B movies, Garden State, anything with John Cusack in it, 80's movies, Cheesie horror flicks, Chaplin, too many to name so just ask me...
Discovery, TLC, history channel, simpsons, family guy, most extreme elimination challange, I have TIVO yay!!!!! anything that has to do w/ archeology, forensic science, mysteries, old saturday morning cartoons. can someone please tell my why saturday morning cartoons have turned into CRAP?
irrational literature, anything sick, dark or twisted. war stories, autobiographies. the outsiders, than handmaid's tale, the belljar, slaughter house 5, edger allen poe, Steven King's Everything's Eventual. Cookbooks. The Art of Happiness, the four agreements, the mastery of love
MY MOMMy Family. Yeah I know we're weirdJustin B. amazing artist. check out his profile