VelveteenRabbitt profile picture


I, like God, do not play with dice, and do not believe in coincidence.

About Me

A disclaimer for those who choose to read my writing: my spelling and grammar have been known to do odd things like take an unannounced holiday in the middle of a three-page dissertation on the merits of one political party over another, only to return when they're not really needed say, while I'm writing captions under my profile pictures. But damn it, those captions DO have PERFECT PUNCTUATION...*scowl*
Also, I must give you fair warning: I am a shameless self-plagiarist. If you later see bits and pieces (or sometimes even whole passages) in my Blog that you recognize as being from a past e-conversation we shared, do not be alarmed. Do not panic. Remain calm and proceed in an orderly fashion as quickly as possible to your designated Plagiarism Shelter or underground Safe House. If you see a child without an attending adult, do not stop to search for their guardian. Accompany him or her safely to a shelter as quickly as possible as small children are particularly vulnerable to airborne Plagiarism. Do not...oh. *ahem* Sorry. I, carried away...
The point is I never know when I'm going to spit out some little gem. If I write something in a letter or in an IM conversation with a friend, it's fair game for me to later post in my Blog. I wrote it after all, so why shouldn't I be able to reuse it? You should feel all warm and tingly that something I said to you was later deemed worthy of republication (don't you feel special now?). As a matter of fact, I think I'll repost this bit on my Main Profile page to make this point to everyone.......*snicker*...
I strongly encourage you to subscribe to my blog. Writing is a passion for me, and my blog is where I spend the majority of my time so Subscribing is the best way to get to know me. AAaaand if that's not your bag, here are some videos...just relax and watch the pretty pictures:
I'm only placing this here because if I have to have this shit stuck in my head for days on end, then SO DO YOU. Enjoy! ^_^
...THE CROW...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


"At the Circus" - The Marx Brothers (1939) This song, "Lydia, the Tattooed Lady" which first appeared in this classic Marx movie, remained one of Groucho Marx's sugnature tunes.

My Blog

In which I am tagged, cataloged, and released back into the wild.

     So, Austin tagged me, eh? Ok. I'll play!        10 weird and random things about V.---1). Ok, I'll start out easy. Most everyone already knows this (m...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 01:55:00 PST

In which the Florida mosquito season receives the business end of my razor-sharp sarcastic wit.

         This blog is going to deal with a subject that I address every year. Every. Single. Year.      I hate living in a state where the bugs h...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 05:11:00 PST

In which I announce the winner of the

     Ok, first&..the winner of the very first "BEST COMMENT LEFT TO V'S LAST BLOG!" contest is&&&&&.Jay!! "Make my double cheeseburger and serve it to me with the same glowing smil...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 01:55:00 PST

In which nothing is sacred...not even Ronald's own. (Or: "McSuck Me.")

          I read a blog posting recently&don't remember where exactly. This time the topic was a bitchy fast food worker's posting of "Things never to do at a ...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:52:00 PST

In which I have way too much fun with anagrams...

     I would just like to announce that my name is an anagram for the following:"abbrev event title""velvet babe tinter""better net bivalve"     That is all.&nb...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 10:20:00 PST

In which I type out the thought that's in my head to be rid of it & go to SLEEP already.

"I'm only stepping away from the edge so I can get a good, running start..."  -V.
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:34:00 PST

In which I update, ramble, and just generally get muh geek on.

     A random conversation snippet I found in the backlogs while I was changing all the files I've accumulated over the last 18 months over to the new laptop (please excuse my lang...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 07:10:00 PST

In which I address fellow "Children of the 80s".

          Hey, you! Yeah, YOU!! Were you a 'product of the 80s'? Were you raised on far too much television, to the point where the line between entertainment ...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:14:00 PST

In which I show an affinity for eye-gouging.

*sporfle* They call me....Twitch. ..> ..> Twitch People Iced: Six Car Bombs Planted: Twelve Favorite Weapon Stilletto Arms Broken: Five Eyes Gouged: Twenty Nine Tongues Cut Off: Two Bi...
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:22:00 PST

In which I am teh coolness.

     Sorry, gang-NO time. Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm the uber coolness because there's going to be a Lunar Eclipse on my 30th Birthday. Yup. That makes me cool.......
Posted by Velveteen.Rabbitt on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 11:01:00 PST