the NAIN ROUGE profile picture


Currently writing new songs!

About Me

Resurrecting and perfecting a sound that came and went with bands like Botch, Coalesce, and Deadguy, combined with the technicality and heaviness of early Mastodon, the atmospherics of Isis, and the grittiness that comes from living and playing in Detroit, the Nain Rouge are the very definition of heavy music. Drop-B tuning adds a layer of heaviness that most bands can’t match, added to a surprising ability to bring melody to their brand of mathematical chaos. Explosive off-time rhythms, dynamic syncopation, and the most guttural dual vocals you’ll ever encounter put the Nain Rouge in a class of heaviness all their own. See it to believe it.
RELEASES: an EP entitled "Whatever helps you sleep at night" on Saw Her Ghost Records (spring 2006), a full length debut entitled "Antebellum" (Friction Records; 2003), and a 3 way split with Today I Wait and Two Stars Burning Sun (Friction; 2002).
T-SHIRTS!!! Most sizes available.CD'S CD'S CD'S CD'S CD'S CD'S CD'S
"Whatever Helps You Sleep At Night" CDEP 2006 Saw Her Ghost Records
"Antebellum" CDLP 2003 Friction Records "Antebellum" CDLP 2003 Friction Records
"For The Sick: A Tribute to EYEHATEGOD" 2CDLP 2006 Emetic RecordsI edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 2/8/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Tim-big mouth and low rumble
Ben-sharp tongue and bite lip rhythm
Brad-skeetle and chug
Bil-flash and thud

Influences: We've shared the stage with bands such as Torche, Floor, Intronaut, Pig Destroyer, Kylesa, Playing Enemy, Engineer, American Heritage, Lickgoldensky, Planes Mistaken For Stars, Jucifer, The Black Dahlia Murder, Suicide Note, Pelican, The Deadly, Premonitions of War, Anodyne, The Dream is Dead, The Austerity Program, Keelhaul, Genghis Tron, Psyopus and Ion Dissonance.

Sounds Like: ...a disgruntled employee!

Record Label: Friction/ Saw Her Ghost
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


 ...was kickass! Thank you to Monica and the T.C. crew, Josh and Level II skate park, and the House of Muses for the great shows! A very BIG THANKS goes out to all who attended, checked us out, b...
Posted by the NAIN ROUGE on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 08:41:00 PST


 We'll, our new disc has been out for a week now and seems to be "moving" nicely to good responce. I'd like to once again thank the people that we tested the patience of repeatedly ( I'm sure). F...
Posted by the NAIN ROUGE on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 09:26:00 PST

New E.P. available at Record Time.

"Whatever Helps You Sleep At Night" CDEP, now available at the Ferndale and Roseville Record Time.  $6.99, in the Indie section.  Also available through Saw Her Ghost , and coming soon to ww...
Posted by the NAIN ROUGE on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:31:00 PST

DEC. 16th-TORCHE-the NAIN ROUGE-Ganon, Dissolute...

Piece of shit myspace won't let me add the show. TORCHE, the NAIN ROUGE, Ganon, Dissolute (Cleveland), Burning Cities, My Friend Rudra. DECEMBER 16th @ 2500 Club, 2500 Park St. Detroit 9pm, $6 This s...
Posted by the NAIN ROUGE on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 10:15:00 PST


Hey all, the tour with And The Sky Went Red was a grand success.  We met a ton of cool people, and even rocked a juggalo show.  For those who don't know what a juggalo is, don't bother. ...
Posted by the NAIN ROUGE on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:09:00 PST

things i (ben) learned on tour and cd news

things i learned: 1. mark her ghost is a pool shark. 2. people in the U.P. are friendly. 3. girls in the UP are horny. 4. melissa cross rules (vocal warm ups ARE a good idea) 5. the burger king i...
Posted by the NAIN ROUGE on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 01:12:00 PST