Ewa Maria Magdalena profile picture

Ewa Maria Magdalena

Follow your Heart!

About Me

I was a business woman. I worked as human resources manager for big international corporation. Business b...hehehe. I had my awakening in 2002. Spontaneous experiences of ONENESS. I left my job, my country, my family and friends and set on a journey. It has been a healing journey. It has been a beautiful journey and I am astounded at the level of possible ascension rising and rising for all. I like playing. I like expanding. I want to see what is possible here on Mother Earth at this time. I know that this is why I am here. I break the rules of my own limitations. I transmute the system within my own system by transforming my fears into Love. I came here to take a certain blueprint and activate it to the highest potential. This is how I change the world and bring my little part to the Big Awaking. I have no limits to my expansion. I was a human robot, brainwashed, scared, full of fears, totally disconnected from the Source and totally in my ego. I did not know what Love was. I had to die a symbolic death, surrender my human ego, learn self love, compassion, trust, forgiveness, gratitude and many others. I am making this ascension path so the others can follow. I am a path shower. I am here to start the Rainbow Revolution of the Heart. It is enough of this slavery of the Human Nation! It is enough of slaying the God inside of Us! I am a Rebel! I Love to Love! I swim up stream. I have no other authority but my Heart and my Integrity. I am here to raise the vibration to the highest level possible. My dream is that my Beingness is a full expression of Divinity so it can touch and activate the Divinity in others. Divine Child! Pure Love, Joy, Courage and Adventure hehehehehe ;-) I know sooner or later I disappear in Nothingness again because I have never existed. Meow, meow, all have a beautiful day it is just a play!I am here to Serve.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com

My Interests

ONENESS, I AM, Freedom, Enlightenment, Ascension, Big Awakening, Mayan Calendar, Mahamudra – Cosmic Orgasm, Tantra, Breaking through fears, Healing and healing and healing, Growing in Love and Compassion, DNA activation, Divine Human Being, Return of the Goddess, Servers to the Divine Plan http://www.thenewcall.org/book_sdp.htm

I'd like to meet:

All those who share the same dream:Love Generation Rainbow……..Bridge. Rainbow Bridge in our Hearts to Eternity. Eternal Love spinning in Creation. Come, come is the time to start. Bridging Heaven and Earth in our Hearts. Time for Action! Jump!and let's fire this Love Grid hehehehe http://www.firethegrid.com/eng/home-fr-eng.htm


Sigur Ross


Matrix, Da Vinci Code, V for Vendetta


I do not watch television.


by OSHO, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Richard Bach, James Redfield


Truth, Love and Beauty in me and you hehehehe

My Blog


Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 07:15:00 PST

Bliss to All

http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=305844&a mp;songID=2131253
Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:32:00 PST

Today is a very special day

Today is a very special day. The dream from my childhood is coming true in this very MOMENT.   I was born to this world with the purpose in my soul to fire the Hearts of people with forgotten One...
Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 08:13:00 PST


Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 06:30:00 PST


Come and weave the magic with me. Co-Create this World with Love, Truth and Beauty. Let your Light Shine as it used to be. Remember? Yes you remember NOW. Expanded NOW, waves of Bliss. You are That. Y...
Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 06:02:00 PST


Innocence was another gift I was given. My beingness opened again. I shine my Light now. I stay open in the MOMENT. People ask me often if I am drunk. No I am not drunk  IT IS MY LIGHT. When I ...
Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:25:00 PST


The Light in me pointed the button on my system called "Surrender Control". Sweet intergalactic guiding voice explained: you are about to die before you die. From that moment you will never die again....
Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 04:24:00 PST

Symbolic Death

Puna, India July 2003   He killed me. He crashed my Ego. I surrendered.       "The dark door inside opens for the chosen, It takes courage to step in Think twice  there is no retu...
Posted by Ewa Maria Magdalena on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 01:08:00 PST