Music (obviously), I am a vegan. , sports (more playing than watching...and for taht matter...I started playing soccer again!!!), movies
I am not really here to "meet" anyone...more to stay in touch with people I have met...and to share ideas. If you want to add me here and we don't really already know each other, I have but one simple requirement...SEND ME A MESSAGE...that let's me know you actually care and are not just trying to up your friend count. Thanks! Be safe and good to each other. Rock on!
Jupiter Sunrise .
Perfect Thyroid .
The only other band I was in that played shows was called T.A.I. think about it. My 4 favorite bands of all time are The Police, System of a Down, Fishbone, and Genesis.
I play Precision Drums and Silver Fox drum sticks. Both companies are super great to me and are run by really awesome people! And they make great products (which is most important right?)! Check them out if you are interested in drum products. Thanks.
Important music news this week...
In case you have not noticed, Jupiter Sunrise is not up to much these days. We are taking some time to work on ourselves. The future, always wide open, no doors shut, but who knows what the future will hold. I personally am enjoying spending some time in one place (NY) and have been playing more drums (minutes per day) now than when we were on tour! The barn that JS was writing and rehearsing in here in NY has turned into a place to host some seriously fun jams. Some friends of mine, old and new, from JS and PT and other random places, have been getting together in New Paltz on Tuesday nights raiding the Snug Harbor Open Mic Night. A year ago I recorded drums for a still upcoming record for the Brian Kaplan Band and now it looks like I might be playing with Brian live sometimes too. And I also recently recorded some drums for a local singer songwriter named Steve Schultz. Ol' Bones P'skipskee is showing up at the open mics too...super fun! So that is my musical story for now. Rock on!
Seems as if I have been seeing some depressingy inspiring movies lately...just openning ones eyes again to the horrible things that happen all over the world and how lucky we are to have what we have. Hotel Rawanda and The Last King of Scotland are the movies that I am reffering to here.
The Colbert Report STILL RULES all of television!
I have been reading a couple books lately...and if you know me, you know reading takes me forever! the Omnivore's Dilemma and just recently picked up Barack Obama's book the Audacity of Hope.